J.C. Shumaker - 05/26/99 01:22:15
My Email:URGodsOwn@aol.com
Your bird(s): Cyndi Hurtt
Your British car(s): 75 Triumph Spitfire
In the shop. Looks like I missed a great time. Please send me info. on your next one or one in my area(Chattanooga). Thanks, Love and light, J.C.
Amy - 03/20/99 17:54:47
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Petsburgh/Zoo/1987
My Email:ltturner@usit.net
Your bird(s): Noah, African grey; Georgia, green cheek conure
This is a test of the emergency guest book system. If this had been a real guest book entry, I would be someone else visiting this page. As it is, it's my own guest book, so I shouldn't be leaving an entry. :)