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We currently live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and are owned by 27 parrots, 2 dogs, 4 grandchildren and 2 children.

We moved to Edmonton in December, 1998 from Yellowknife, Northwest Territories [Northern Canada]. We had lived in the Great White North for 20 years and found it difficult to return to civilization. We made the long trip with all our birds [including 3 baby Greys being handfed every 4 hours] and dogs in our van. Was quite the trip! We had a few minor stress problems after arriving here, but nothing too serious.

I hope you enjoy my pages and get to know our feathered, furry and human family a bit before you leave. I am still working on my site and will have more pages up soon.

Sit back, relax and enjoy my site.

Click any of the following buttons to see our family. Please check back often as I am working on my site and more pages will be added soon.

Drop me an Email. I would love to hear from you.