Chinchilla, the cutiest animal in the world !!!


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my name is "Peppi"

I will be a 3-year old chinchilla this June 2002!


"Look at me"

peppi01.jpg (53170 bytes)       peppi02.jpg (44527 bytes)       peppi03.jpg (23561 bytes)       peppi05.jpg (45222 bytes)

peppi06.jpg (45708 bytes)        peppi07.jpg (44510 bytes)        peppi08.jpg (50911 bytes)     

 peppi09.jpg (51549 bytes)       peppi10.jpg (48672 bytes)       peppi11.jpg (51274 bytes)       peppi12.jpg (37289 bytes)

*Click ! on thumbnails to see full size pics *


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This page was last edited on Thursday 9, May, 2002@02:15 PM