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I hope you enjoy having a look around.

I started with pugs about 18 years ago, we bought our first girl as an unregistered pet and she was a delight, her name was Minchow and she seemed to know everything that went on around her.

The second addition was our first registered male,Atsanac Chand Ky, he became the foundation sire for Kheireddin, Sadly Ky is now deceased, put gently to sleep at age almost 18. 30/9/2000

Ky was shown lightly but I never pursued him to his title as at that time my daughters were showing horses and we were busy with those.

In1988 I happened to meet the lovely people fromYarrowfell Kennels and they were showing a black pug bitch at the time, so I arranged to purchase a puppy from them.

The result was a little black bitch whom we christened Bubbles (Yarrowfell Minchow Two).

Bubbles gained her Australian Champion title at the tender age of 13 months, and won numerous class in group awards, she was the foundation bitch for Kheireddin.

I was fortunate to start with good pugs!

I hope you will take a look at the other pages on my site and perhaps send some feedback.

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Happy Viewing, Carol.

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