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Cwbc's Page
Hi I am Kelly better known as Cwbc.
I am a mother of two
boys ages 4 and 8. I have been married for 8 years. Been with my husband a total of 11 years. We were high school sweethearts. We were only 16 years old when we started our life together . But we have came a long ways to accomplish the things we have. We now have  a home of our own.

We started about 6 years ago raising
beagles. Which at first I wasn't thrilled of the idea but I have come very attached to them. I treat them like there were my own kids. Which believe me they enjoy every second of that.

Dottie Lou and Hubby sawing logs.
This is my 4 year old Cameron.
As you can see he Loves WWF wrestling..."Stone Cold " is his favorite. This picture was taken the night he was going to see the WWF. It was the 1st time they had been to our town in awhile. He was soooo excited!
This is my 8 year old Berklin.
He was sporting his tux.
     "Isn't he so cute"
On his way to a friends wedding. He was soooo nervous but he done a Great job.
Last But Not Least...Charles Wayne.
This is my husband ...my High School Sweetheart. This is a better picture than the one above."Isn't he so Sexy"....lol
Well he is to me. I Love you Honey!
There is  more pages to look at...just click the link that says "Dedicated to hubby"
I hope you enjoy each page. There is a link to click on  each page you explore !
Page dedicated to hubby
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