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Giant Dog Club

New Zealand

The Giant Dog Club was formed in Dunedin, New Zealand in May 1997 to give the owners of Giant Dogs a forum to meet in a friendly atmosphere and participate in fun activities.

Our aims are to promote the breeds that come under our wing, encourage responsible ownership and educate the public on these breeds 

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Members dogs include:
Saint Bernards
Pyrenean Mountain Dogs;
Bull Mastiffs
Bernese Mountain Dogs;
Irish Wolfhounds;
Great Danes.

Click on the breed of your choice to view member's photos. (Still under construction - not all breeds complete)

The club is concentrated around the Dunedin are with the odd foray further afield. The emphasis is on having fun with our dogs leaving the more serious issues to breed clubs.

For enquiries on local club activites contact the
Secretary. For breed issues contact the New Zealand Kennel Club or specific Breed Clubs.

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Club events include

Fun matches against other breeds

Winter fun in the snow at picturesque Queenstown during the Winter Festival- called
Sun Snow and Slobber

Casual dinners  and Barbeques

Anything else we can think of to enjoy our association with these wonderful dogs

New Member's  Area
Visit this area to leave messages on the message board. View the club notice board, Read the latest Newsletter.
Please read warning on this page

Contact the Secretary


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