Welcome! Here is where you can see pics of my animals! (ok and some ppl!)

I have much better (more recent) pics at www.photobucket.com and the album is CheyAut.

Hi I'm Nuefo.
Last updated December 1, 2004 at 11:29pm

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FuzzButt, Tommy Boy, we love you so much. We are glad we had the wonderful two years knowing you. You have touched our lives, we will never be the same again. We will miss seeing your wiggly body when we come in the house. We will miss playing with your and your toys. We will even miss your constant barking when you were outside. But we will never forget you. You will remain in our hearts forever. We love you FuzzButt.


June 14 2004: THANK YOU SO MUCH HEATHER for allowing me to have your beautiful baby!!!
Heahter was kind enough to let me buy her new mini filly, Kate's ButterCream de Cocoa (spelling isn't quite known to me yet hehe). She was born May 23 (Cheyenne's birthday!) at about 1 am in the morning. I had been interested in her before she was born, and couldn't wait to meet her! I finally got to meet her on June 12th and I was in love! There are several photos of her at http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v295/CheyAut/ and here is one for those of you who don't want to go there ;)

And THANK YOU ROZ for allowing me to buy Tracker, aka Cochise's Late Attraction, my mini colt! :)

May 2004: ack I haven't done a thing in a year and a half! Ok so I have STARTED (barely) to make a new site using Front Page. But I lack the time.

I have a lot of new critters!

Dogs: Over Buddjet TG-N is my mini aussie (8-15-02)

Tigara's What's It To You, aka Kairyl, is my dream pup. Wanted him for over 9 years, and finally got him! Born in May '04, look for this gorgeous Alaskan Malamute in the show ring soon!! (conformation and agility)

And Kodak is now Nuefo's Kodak Moment CGC O-NAC-V O-NGC-V O-NJC-V TN-N (maybe O-TN-N? Maybe also a TG-N? I lost track!) and Fuji is Fuji Film NAC NGC NJC TN-N TG-N (maybe O's on those as well?)

Kylee is my foster dog. 2 y/o Australian Shepherd. Foster, sure... like she's going anywhere lol

Cats: Q was a gift from Megan

Also another kitten, long haired black girl named Lyric. Sorry, pics coming soon!

And I have a black kitty Lexi, who thinks he's a dog :) (6-forgetday-03)

Sadly, Secretariat crossed the bridge Sept 1, 2004. I love you, Seeky!

Horses: Here is Riddle

And then I got a mini pinto filly, Kokopelli. She was just the sweetest thing ever. She was killed by a mountain lion. She will get a much more fitting tribute on my new site, but for now here is her pic

I have a silver dapple mini gelding, Sonoita Highlands Simply Sheik (7-29-1992). We are part of the Petite Elite, a mini horse driving drill team. We also do parades and shows. Look for us in the show ring! And CDE/ADT's

Also a chestnut mini gelding, Chili Pepper. He is my ADT competition horse

Impulse was just that :) He's my auction rescue

Yecko the lizard died :( We have a new normal leo named Yucca.

Ok that should be it. Just wanted to get up some pics really quick of the new kids! Oh and here is one of Matastar, since he has grown into such a gorgeous guy

Nov 2003: Hello everyone! I'm redoing my website. Soon it will have one pic of each "category" and a link to a page with the pic links, rather than being so long as this. Or maybe not :) I haven't decided! But I am uploading a lot of new pics. I'm also deleting a lot of pics, mainly because they aren't very good or I have a lot of better ones. If you click a link that doesn't work, that is why. I'm not touching the rest of this page until I know exactly how I'm going to do so. It will take a few days of working on it, as I have to go through every picture (some aren't even linked that are saved) so that I konw what to delete, what to add a link to, and what to upload! It's a big project, but one I've been meaning to get to! Well, back to the never-ending task of improving my site! Thanks for stopping by, and again, sorry for any dead links you encounter :)

Here are some pictures of my beautiful thoroughbred Cheyenne Autumn. He is 13 (on May 15, 2003), 16hh. We enjoy lots of riding things: dressage, trail, cow sorting, jumping, gymkhanas, barrel racing, and wearing costumes ;)

Here is one as he looks out of his stall at Rosie's Chey misses playing with the cows... see, he's pretending to cut them! :)

Here he is in a turnout at a previous boarding place (he's a little skinny in this pic, he's not anymore!)

Here's another profile shot, also at Rosie's

This one is kinda far away, but it's me standing with Chey at the place where I learned to ride

The following are pics of Chey in horse shows!

Here is one of Cheyenne and I jumping in a show at West World in Scottsdale (where the Arabian show is held every year).

Here's another of jumping, and you can see, we took off way too early! And Chey likes to jump HIGH!!! The height of the jump doens't bother him, but he doesn't like those scary flowers some jumps have ;)

We're landing in this pic

Here we're over the fence

A nice front view

This was at a show in Wickenburg. Chey likes these shows the best because they don't have those scary flowers! In fact, he likes them so much that he got high point at the last show!

And another Wickenburg jump

Here is Chey and I in a cavaletti class

We're trotting

Trotting some more, but this one is back to the West World show

(In Wickenburg) Chey likes his pats to let him know he did a great job!

I like to ride Chey bareback sometimes (but with a bareback pad- those TB withers are dangerous! :)

And I jump bareback!

This is my second horse. I bought him the end of October, 2000. He is KMSHA registered Rocky Mountain Saddle Horse! Naturally gaited, wahoo!! He's four now! When I got him he was just over 14hh, now he's 14.2. I hope to drive him someday! I've lightly ridden him occasionally, he's very good and very fun and smooth! Never had a problem breaking him, although he did try to kill the dogs if they were around (now he is MUCH better with dogs!)

Here he's only 5 months old!

another baby pic!

His cute head

Another of my boy


and another...

and one more (of the recent ones)

Matastar and Matt

What do two thoroughbreds and a rocky mountain horse do for fun when they are turned out together? They JUMP! The above pic is Matastar(RMH), with Cheyenne(TB) behind him.

Matastar taking off, Renaissance(TB) landing

Nice one of Chey jumping


LOOK AT THIS!!! AWESOME picture of Matastar!!!

Another neat one of him

They also like to buck and run!

Matastar on left, Chey on right, having a good time!

and running around

who says gaited horses can't canter?

And canter...

My friend Laura also has a thoroughbred. His name is Renaissance Spring. He is 21 or 22 and 16.1 hh. They enjoy jumping the most, but also trail and play.

This picture is neat, it's Ren in a turnout with Chey behind him

Ren's pretty head (too bad my shadow covers his nose)

A side view of his head

Here is Laura and Renaissance jumping at the Wickenburg show

One at West World

And another

Here they are in the cav. class at WIckenburg. This is kinda funny. Our horses never saw cavelleti this big until here, so Ren took BIG steps (as opposed to Chey trying to canter through it!)

Trotting along...

Here they are right after getting a blue ribbon! Good job guys!

Here is the four of us after a class with our ribbons (at West World)

Laura got a baby mini horse! He is the same size as my dog!!! We took him home in a car! And then to Petsmart, where we had to put dog booties on so he wouldn't slip on the tile! Then she had to go to work so we took him to my house for the day. He is too tiny to be in a horse stall (can walk under) so we had to put him in Rosie's front yard (which is fenced in for pups, creates the perfect mini paddock! It gives him PLENTY of room to run!). Ren doesn't like him yet, Chey shows mild interest, and Matastar just loves him! His name is Tura's Cruise Control. His mom, Casitas Rosarita, is 32" and his dad, Oklahomas Teddy Bear is only 30". His grandfather is a gorgeous appy named Grays Smoke Signal (son of Shadow Oaks Cock Robin (x Chianti) out of Grays Go Rocket Squaw (x Freckles Pride). He is a silver dapple!!! You can't tell in these pics though, because he still has his baby fuzz ;)


Another car shot

And one from behind

Wearing his doggy booties

Doesn't he look like a baby arab here?

Running in my backyard

and Running some more

He found a nice spot for himself!

Nice close up

Cruiser and Laura

Ren meeting Cruiser

What a size difference!

Laura and her boys

Them again, plus Rosie's boxer, Maddie

Cheyenne and Renaissance are good sports when it comes to the weird things wemake them do... like wear Christmas outfits and Halloween costumes!

Here's one of Chey's head while in his Christmas outfit :)

Another Christmas one, with me on him

It's another Christmas one, with Laura on Ren, but it didn't turn out very well with colors

And now for the Halloween pics! This was actually for a costume class in the Wickenburg show.

This is me, the black widow, on Cheyenne, who is either my web, or in my web, depending on who you ask!

Here is Laura as a bride, and Renaissance, her groom!!!

Another of the newlyweds ;)

Here are some pictures of the close contact all leather saddle I have for sale My dad knocked it off of what it was sitting on and it has a slight blemish to the suede where your knee goes. No tear, just discolored now, so I have reduced the price to $120 obo. If anyone is interested email me at Cheyaut@yahoo.com It is 15 1/2 seat, almost new (used half a dozen times only!), fits Chey who is a TB built like a QH as well as Ren who is a high withered sway backed TB. Nice saddle, I just have too many! Somewhere I do have the fittings for it, I will try to find them :)

Underneat the flap

the seat

the sturrup hook

the back of the saddle

and the pommel

The following are pictures of my dogs. Kodak Moment is my 8 (May 20, 1995) year old Alaskan Malamute mix. He is in agility training and pulls me on rollar blades, and also carts. He has his CGC, and all his novice outstanding agility titles (not including the new games). Keesha is my 12 (Feb 8, 1991) year old cocker spaniel mix, possibly with Welsh Springer Spaniel or Field Spaniel. She loves to play ball or with her "sea urchin" and squeeky rubber chicken. Both dogs also enjoy hiking, joining me on trail rides, and playing at the dog park. Fuji is Matt's doggy, her "birthday" is Halloween, 2000. He got her at four months old from the Arizona Humane Society. She is a very sweet little girl who loves everyone, wether they are human or animal! She recently started agility too! :) She now has her novice gamblers and jumpers titles! Her pic is at the end following the pics of Keesha and Kodak. She is half chow, half aussie.

This one is b/w, but it's a neat pic of Kodak. The pic makes his ears look HUGE though!

A CUTE puppy pic of Kodak!

Another CUTE puppy pic!


Here's Keesha, before I became a groomer :)

Kodak likes jumping the horse jumps! This is the rolltop

And the barrels (Chey's favorite)

The wall...

And the crossrail (Chey's other fav)

The dogs has fun on Halloween!

Here is the three of us

Kodak in costume

Keesha in costume

another of my little girl

it's another of Keesha, but look at Kodak in the background!

Kodak with a Halloween bandana

and Keesha with one too

Fuji Film, Matt's adorable chow mix pup!

Matt and I took the dogs to the lake. Fuji liked it, my dogs were less than thrilled ;)

Here is Matt and Fuji in the water

she swims...

then shakes...

then stands there being adorable!

Keesha only comes in to be with me, but it takes some prodding ;)

then she too swims away

and then the welcoming committee

This is as far as I could get Kodak to come

but not for long!

Ahh, safe on dry land ;)

Here are my kitties! I have four. Secretariat (shown above too) is about 11. I found her as a stray in my neighborhood.

Here she is in one of her favorite spots, on the back of the couch

This next one has Secret on the bottom and Grem Lynne on the top. Grem Lynne is 6. They are NOT related! Everyone asks how I got them to pose like this... I simply put them like that, and they didn't move ;)

It's a neat picture!

This one is Grem Lynne (top) and Secretariat.

Hey, what's up there? (Grem)

No wait, what's down there? (Grem)

The higher you get, the safer you are (Grem)

But sometimes it's fun to be at petting level (Grem)

You groom me...(Secret on left)

And I'll groom you (Grem on right)

Secret as a lion (long story)

I also have two black kitties who are related. Hollow is my male. Some of these are when I first rescued him, he had all kinds of scars and scrapes, an absess on his face, and was thin. now he is all healed and fat! The ones from Halloween are showing this! His name is Hollow, as I found him Halloween 1999 (but didnt catch him until later). He follows me everywhere, always wants to be with me (or on me!).

This is him in my arms. It was taken with my computer cam, so it's not very good

again by my comp cam

Here he is in the bathroom

This shows his head, where he had an absess (and it had to be shaved

another in the bathroom

and Hollow again

These next ones are from Halloween, he is wearing a bandanna and bow!

Sitting by the door


and another

This one he is laying on Matt

Here are the two of them, how cute ;)

Hollow is the father of Sparky, who is my feral kitty.

Sparky in her favorite spot (my stereo speaker)

And doing her favorite thing (rubbing on stuff)

and with her favorite kitty (Hollow)

nice one of her

These pics are from before she became and indoor kitty.

In front of my garage


I also love to draw animals. The malamute one above is my favorite. Here are more:

My beautiful Cheyenne

I love this arabian one

This is a wolf in the Sawtooth pack, Amani

Here is Kodak as a pup!

Lady and the Tramp is my favorite movie!

German Shepherd

Two wolves

Three horses

Arabian trotting

A carouselhorse

Display, a racehorse

a mare and her foal

a paint

The Lion King is a good movie too

and my Secretariat

Well that concludes my animals. The next are other people's animals!

The pic above is the first horse I ever rode- when I was just a baby! I rode him with my mom. His name was Dandy, and he belonged to my Uncle Paul, who is in the picture with him. That is one of my favorite pictures, and I keep it framed on my desk ;)

Above is FuzzButt (ok fine Tommy Boy), Matt's keeshond. He was such a cutie! Unfortunatly he crossed the Rainbow Bridge on January 23, 2001 about 11:15 pm. If you do not know the story of the Rainbow Bridge, I strongly encourage you to do a search. Go to www.google.com and type in Rainbow Bridge, you'll find it.

Them together

Them kissing!

This is Matt's sister Kara's kitty, whom I call KittyWitty

KittyWitty again

These were Laura's cats. I say they were because they recently died :( Poor boys! Pharoah is the grey. In the pic with him is Carrot (er, Radar). The next ones are still alive. The other is Sheba. Not pictured is Kaiser (aka Groucho)who is Grem Lynne's brother. The white and orange/black is her Turkish Van, Vannah, whom she still has. She also has a grey kitten named Koona. The dog is her Bull Boxer named Kapri.

Pharoah and Carrot



Vannah her cat and Koona her new kitten

Vannah and Kapri


Kapri- and it's a GREAT PICTURE!!! MUST SEE!

This next one is my brother's akita.

Here's Nikki

Pictured here are some of the horses Rosie has for sale. Peron (above) is a gorgeous unique liver chestnut with silvery mane. He is 16.2, 8 years, thoroughbred. Great show horse with lots of potential, daisy cutter and fancy jumper. Already wins in many shows! $10,000.

Here is another of Peron, it shows his color better than the one above

This TB is Mystery. Rosie has him for sale, $2000. He is 16.2hh and DARK bay, almost black (was a little sunbleached in these pics). You can call Rosie 623-546-9885 for more info. Laura rode him in this show. This is the show Chey got high point, you can see we got first in that class! But look, Mystery's first show and he was in the ribbons! (MYSTERY HAS BEEN SOLD but she has other great horses! Give her a call... too many horses, too little time) She also has many other horses for sale.

Here he is with Chey at the Wickenburg show

Here he is jumping

And cantering... this was early in the show, and his first show, so he was looking all around then!

And again with Chey

Rosie has a TB who looks almost like Chey's twin! His name is Jigsaw. He is for sale, and looks a lot better than this pic makes him look! (SOLD)

Jig looking out of his stall

Thanks to a wonderful friend of Laura's, Sarah King, I was lucky enough to be able to ride two Icelandic horses several times. Their names are Epona and Vahn. Epona has since been sold.

Here is Pona

And Vahn

Rosie obtained Jett Summer in a series of giving aways... Laura and I named him. He was incredibly skinny, so we put weight on him and now he looks great! These pictures were taken after having him only four days (Sept. 14, 1999).

Here he is with Laura, looking very skinny

A close up of his skinniness and scars

Here is one of Jett with Rosie's pom (named Pommie) on his neck!

These next pics are after having him a month and a half. He looks even better now, as you can see in the last pic (kindof, bad pic).

He's really dirty ;)

Here's another of him

And here he is more recently, Dec. 2000, doesn't even look like the same horse! Sorry it's not the best pic, as he just wanted to eat ;)

These next pics are all horses at Rosie's. The one above is her mule Levi. That's me driving him! This was my second time driving, but the first that I drove by myself! It was a lot of fun! I drove him in an obstacle cource at the Wickenburg show.

My dad RARELY rides horses, but I did get him on Rosie's horse, Katie for a few minutes. Look how short his sturrips were! Since he was only riding for a few mins at the walk I didnt bother to fix them ;) (I'm sad to say Katie crossed over the rainbow bridge. She had a wonderful LONG life, and will be missed)

Here they are

And again

And one more

This is Rosie's largest TB, he's HUGE!!!! 17.1 hh!!! His name is Westinghouse.

Here's another of the big guy, on the lunge.

Domino is an appy that Rosie used to have. He is a WONDERFUL horse though STUBBORN!!! I had a lot of fun riding him until she sold him. The new owner bought him for mounted shooting! Domino didn't even flinch when he shot the gun! Domino is soo pretty, I love the way his spots go from liver to black...

A lovely head shot of Domino, looking out of his stall

Domino as a whole in his stall

Murphy and his brother Saberly (no pics of him) were both TB's boarded at Rosie's. Their owner is now stationed in Florida, so they left to live with their owners. We'll miss these two! Laura rode Murphy for a few times, and I happened to have my camera that day (I didn't get any of her on him because I was riding Chey at the time).

A head shot of Murphy

Murphy as a whole, wondering why Laura wasn't tacking him up yet"

Rosie has a chocolate palamino QH mare named Callie. This is one of her colts, his name is Starbuck. His sire was a TB, so he's an appendix. He is the most gorgeous shiny buckskin I've ever seen... too bad all I have is a pic of his beautiful head... He is four years old now.

Here he is

This is the new foal, a QH filly named Andrea

Callie and Andrea

and them again

Thanks for taking the time to look at my pictures! I hope you enjoyed them! I will add more later, I have no clue as to when. If you'd like to have me send you and email as to when I update, send me an email at magicallydeliciousfrito@yahoo.com and put "update me" in the subject box. Any special updates you'd like (such as just when one animal is updated) can be requested in the message. Thanks! Have a great day!

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