Box Turtle Housing Ideas

This page is going to be tossed around a little bit. This web site will be dedicated to the many different housing ideas for box turtles. Check back often. There will still be a lot of info on feeding and caring for these creatures, as well as tons of pictures. I am also going to have a page dedicated to my salt water tank.

To read about my box turtles and see pictures of them click here

A Three-Toed Box Turtle

Sex Determination page to find out what your turtle is.
I also have a List of pictures of all north american species and subspecies.

Turtle and Tortoise Webring

This webring is owned byJamina Oomen

This site is owned byTurtle Man

Click hereto join the turtle and tortoise webring, dedicated to the quality care and conservation of turtles, tortoises, and sea turtles.
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