CRF Webring

On July 15th 2000, Lucky the Mistress of CRF Cats Webring past on. With a very sad heart I want to thank all of those who have joined the ring. And I want to thank all of those who want to join Lucky's ring. If you would like to visit Lucky's Page please do, or Lucky's Memorial page, you are more then welcome.

I made the CRF Webring for all of us cat owners who have a cat, or who has lost a cat with CRF. We all have one thing in common and I felt it would be great to bring ourselves together in this webring. Please submit a webpage about CRF or about your cat with CRF.

What is CRF?

CRF Cat Webring Guidelines

1. You must download the graphics for the ring onto your own server. Do not link to my graphics This is bandwidth stealing and is not allowed.

2. Do not alter the ring fragment in any way. Or the images. Only change your ID, your E-mail address, and Your Name

3. You must have the ring fragment and graphics uploaded to your site before you email me asking to be added to the ring.

4. Your site must not contain anything that will offend me, such as...... any offence to any age group, race, culture, sexual orientation or sex. The site may not contain adult themes, nudity(pornographic nudity, not artist nudity), swearing, violence, bigotry, or hate literature. And NO cruelty to any animal. I hope and assume all of us truly love our furbabies, that I didn't even have to mention this. I reserve the right to refuse anyone for the ring.

5. One of most important rules. Your website, MUST be compatible with ALL web browsers. I use Netscape, and I do have MSE, If other people can not view the webring fragment or image on your website, or the links do not work I am sorry but I can not add you to the webring.
The webring fragment is like all others, nothing special or different, so you should not have a problem, but some people have, depending on the HTML program that you use, or where you have their home page. i.e. seems to really mess up HTML coding on Netscape.

6.  You must have the Webring Fragment on the Web Site URL you provide when you join the ring. If you do not do this I will change it for you. You can have the fragment on a webrings page, but the URL you provide for your web site has be the one with the webring coding.

Join the CRF Webring

Please download the two images here for your webring.
If you are using a PC right click on your mouse and click "save image as"

CRF Cats Webring
site is
owned by
Bridy Richards
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This is what the Webring will look like when it is on your page.

Here are two alternative images you can use. You may mix and match any of the four. But make sure you use the correct file name in the HTML coding of the ring fragment. If you use any of these two images.

crfimage2.jpg        crfimagenext2.jpg

I will also create custom images of your very own cat(s) for the webring images. Please visit other members to see thier custom made images. Once you have joined I will send you an e-mail asking you if you would like this option. Please do not make your own images for the webring.

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The Ring of Petsburgh Cats

This Ring of Petsburgh Cats site is owned by Bridy & Lucky

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