In extreme cold weather, bring your pets inside.
Provide fresh food and water daily.
Provide adequate shelter.
This means: shelter good enough
to protect from all kinds of
weather elements.
If pets cannot be brought in check on them often during the day.
Provide: straw, cedar chips,
blankets or some kind of warmth
in their shelter.
Remember NEVER to use Hay in a dog house.
Give extra food and treats, it takes extra energy to keep warm.
Keep snow and ice shoveled away from pets quarters.
Check paws and pads for ice and salt damage.
Put up a shield over door of shelter
to keep out
dangerous cold winds, rain, ice
and snow.
Remember pets love to play with
shinny things such as Christmas
ornaments and packages, these things
can be very
dangerous to your pet.
Always remember our animals whom
are in the wild
put out bird seed, and squirrel
feed in bad cold weather.
Report any neglect or abuse to you
Humane Society or Animal Protection