Welcome to the Delavan's old house!

We enjoy old houses, home decorating, sewing, gardening, landscaping, renovating, our church and family. Please visit our webrings and enjoy Malvern, AR's Pine Bluff Street Historic District.

Living in our 1920s-era Craftsman house is a dream for us. Our home was built by a Malvern lumberman who cut the wood at his own mill. Older members of our church have told us about the McCormicks and about visiting the house when it was younger.

Old houses always have interesting stories. An Arkansas writer recently penned a book entitled "If These Walls Could Talk" about the lives of families who had lived in his 1920s-era home in Little Rock's Hillcrest neighborhood.

We really enjoy sitting on our front porch, sun porch and back porch.

Porches truly help create a sense of community when people use them. It's relaxing to sit out there and fun to be able to holler to passerby ... and it lets would-be troublemakers know that residents keep an eye on the neighborhood.

Our home is in the Pine Bluff Street Historic District. The street formerly was a tree-lined canopy, but a tornado two days before Christmas 1982 felled many of the large trees in our neighborhood. Luckily, most of the homes were fairly unscathed. The district was recognized as a historic district by the National Register of Historic Places recently, after being nominated by the Arkansas Department of Heritage.

Please email us about your old home at Xpinebluffstreet@geocities.com

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outdoor recreation in the Natural State!

Lewis Lee's Hangout (my husband's Malvern, AR and Hot Spring County page)

Our local Boy Scout Troop (Malvern Troop 20) of Malvern, AR

First United Methodist Church of Malvern, AR

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Website established Feb. 5, 1998. Ya'll come back now, you hear?

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