Andrew's first photo op
I call this one "I said, 'LOOK AT THE CAMERA!!!'"
Bumper Boats at the AZ State Fair
Wedded Bliss
The Girls with Uncle Neil on Halloween Night (two rock stars and a fairy)
(this is what Brenda's wiggly tooth looks like) and some kind of alien I guess.
Daddy, what's an inch?
Some Links 4 U:
Weirco Top Stories

October 31, 2004
We got a new toy for Janell yesterday, it's a 2005 Dodge Grand Caravan.  She has been due for a new vehicle since I have known her and we finally got her one that suits her needs (see the picture above).

The Girls went Trick or Treating over at Grandma Tammy's House this evening.  Thalia was a fairy and Brenda and Alex were Rock Stars.  They brought home quite a catch.

October 28, 2004
Well we are all in our happy home now.  I believe everyone in our home is very content with the situation.  We all have our moments.  All of the girls are doing well in school, we had parent / teacher conferences last week.

Selling the house in Phoenix
September 06, 2004
Janell and I spent most of our day running back and forth between houses, bringing things to the house on Grandview.   We spent a bunch of time masking and then spraying with the Wagner Sprayer.  Lawn Spinklers seem to be in order.  We are just waiting for the home inspector to come tomorrow to put his two cents in and really cloud things up.


July 22, 2004
Janell and I are pleased with the overwhelming response to accept the invitations.  Last night, after speaking with Pastor Pautz,  we did some research and found, what we plan to proceed with after the festivities at church for whoever is intersted.

We checked in with the "Pointe at South Mountain" and found that they have rooms.  They also have "
Rustler's Roost", a country western style restaruant / bar that looks like it will fit the bill for a little "Post-reception soiree".  The kids can come, there's even a slide for them to go down in the restaurant!  If you want a room, I suggest that you get it now rather than later.  They expect to be booked by that time (of course, they just say that so you get a room).

July 17, 2004

We are getting set at the church, the cake and tuxes are ordered, we have the rings and the dresses.  We have been looking into hotels, which is where we are planning to have a get together after the reception at the church.  We are looking into what to have for dinner at the reception. 
After the reception at the church, we hope to have a "get together" somewhere.  Maybe at our hotel lounge, maybe at a casino, we are not sure yet.  The Buttes are booked, Embassy Suites is booked.  Janell mentioned maybe a casino, maybe Casino Arizona, it's probably fifteen minutes away.  If there are any suggestions or votes for our ideas, please
email us.

(when first announced)
Stay tuned for updates...
The Wedding has been set for Wednesday evening, August 4, 2004.  The ceremony will take place at
Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church.  Following will be cake and other refreshments in the fellowship hall at the church.  There is talk of getting together later for fun and libations, the location is to be announced...
(Janell and her mom found a dress today, 6/27)
A possibility for accomodations is the
Embassy Suites, Tempe.
Disclaimer: All plans are subject to the brides discretion and may be changed on a whim.

Riding Tall on the Information Superhighway
We now have a cable connection to the internet.  It made a world of difference in just bringing this page up to edit it, I'm so excited.  It looks like we get some web space, so watch for a possible change of web page address.

Edie is on the move

Brenda's long time friend, Edie, will be moving to Portland, OR.  We wish Edie, Brad, Lynn, Evan and Easton the best as they travel up the western coastline.  They have been good friends to Brenda and myself.  We will surely miss them.

Breaking New Flash!!!

Not only have I been "getting along" with Janell, I decided to ask her to become my wife!!!  Have I gone over the EDGE?!!
It was touch and go for a while, but when I explained it all to Janell she accepted.She excitedly said, "Okay then, please... just let go of my arm.  You're hurting me!"
Details to follow...

A little about Janell


Janell is a native arizonan.  They are not as easy to come across as you might think.  She has two daughters, Alex and Thalia.  They are good girls and get along great with Brenda and I.

Tennis at Kiwanis
Brenda and Edie have completed their third tennis class.  They are now past the "fundimentals" and are hitting the ball over the net.  They have both been doing great and Brenda really enjoys it.  Brenda is already asking when it starts again.

Trip to Sunrise
Thalia, Brenda, Alex, Janell and I made a trip to Sunrise this weekend
It was Alex and Thalia's first time to experience sno
Click here to see picture

I got me a Woman!!!
By: Bob
Most of you already know, but I finally got myself a wonderful new girlfriend.  Her name is Janell and she is a real winner.  I met Janell through church (cool, huh?) and we have really been hitting it off.  Janell has two girls that go to school with Brenda (6), named Alexandria (7) and Thalia (4).  We all seem to get along pretty well.  See pictures.

2003/2004 Trip to Wisconsin

Brenda and I had a great time in Wisconsin.  We got to visit my mom and Lance and stay with my sister, Mary B and her family.

Christmas 2003
Christmas went well.  Santa was a really good sport about my not being good.

Brenda's Birthday Party
By: Bob
Brenda, Alex, Thalia, Janell and Jenna went to Macutus for Brenda's Birthday on December 13 as I wouldn't be with her on her Birthday (19th).  We had fun, I may get some pictures on here.

Another Condo
Mom and Lance have recently aquired a new condominium in Arizona.  It is further northeast from their existing condo's in the Mesa area.
Brenda at her tennis lesson
Mouse over us (might take a sec).  Colton says that we shouldn't stick our toungues out on the web.
Labor Day at Oscar and Brenda CASTILLO'S 1998...
Miguel's peom (I'm so proud of that boy)...
City of Tempe (my town)
See what my schedule looks like...
Taking a dip at Edie's
Hold your mouse over images to see description / comment
There is three errers in this sentence.

Can you find them?
The "Tempe Family"
Brad, Lynn, Edie, Evan and Easton
Meet The Hatcher's
Wisconsin Experience in 2002...
Yes, I'm in a tea cup.
The Real Man's Cookbook
Some good old Wisconsin humor
Brenda and my sunflowers
This is Alex, Thalia, Janell and myself in the church courtyard, Janell's Mom took the picture.
Myself, Janell, Brenda and Alex at Janell's home...
Me and my Babe
New and Improved Online Career Portfolio (feedback appreciated)
"When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, it seems like two minutes.  When you sit on a hot stove for two minutes, it seems like two hours - that's relativity." -- Albert Einstein
Janell's newest baby
My Birthday Girls
The girls on the ottaman (winter time 2003)
Toofless Bren
the end
Click here for new web site, just in it's 'infant' (no pun intended) stages right now.
Janell at 8 months
Andrew ?James
12 August?, 2005
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