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Welcome to my humble site!!! My name is ART

My page is more about: WHAT YOU CAN DO!

Along with a mix of other things of interest. So just set back, grab a cold drink and enjoy! If you wish, you can even take your shoes off! (a breeze is blowing:)
ani- picket fence

This shows the speed of the net, a ping of the world :), it is checked every hour. The top bar shows the past hour it was checked. Green = good, Yellow = slow, Red = bad. The arrow shows the direction the speed is going at this time, ^up being slow. Here is another, very good site to check your personal speed on the net:


CLICK to see MY animated version of "SMILE be HAPPY"


CLICK HERE to see the oil paintings I have done, so far!

Fix a leak in a water line!!?? Yes YOU can!!



Click here

to see how to patch a wall like a PRO!

Click here

for answers about faucet leaks.

ww 2 postersWW 2 Posters
ani bone


A HUG and a A KISS for the one you MISS {that special page}

FREE clip art

FREE animated graphics


Movies & videos a great site!! What and when the new ones are out, top 10 as well as the top 10 rented. Info on all movies and so much more!!

CRAFT and HOBBIES with FREE cross stitch patterns



Photos of travel from Hershey Pennsylvania to Maine

street lights of Hershey

The street lights in Hershey Pa. alternate, wrapped and unwrapped KISSES!

I just got back from a trip from the VA. coast to Gig Harbor, Washington! One side of the USA to the other!! I be posting pictures in the future on that trip.

I spent Christmas 2000 in Fl. with my son, daughter-in-law, and gradchildren: Brandon and Megan. CLICK to ENTER!.

Here are some wild turkies that came into my back yard. CLICK to ENTER!.

train bar
Click here

to see the weather from north to south. Starting in PA., down to VA., Fl., then out to ARK. and good old CAL. All at the same time or click for detailed weather

Click here

See some shot from Trials of Atlantis. An on line game I used to play.

Click here

to see the person that created this site :)

ani chain

This PicketFence site is owned by
Art C..

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