Southern Yankee Workshop


My name is not important for the saake of this web paage. I make my living as a carpenter and I am well versed in the techniques of building with wood.

I even have my own Woodshop. I call it the Southern Yankee Workshop. Out there I work with wood and ply my skill as a wood joiner. I especially enjoy performing advanced joinery techniques like mortise and tenons and dovetails. My collection of woodworking tools are not the best collection by far, but I think thaat it is my mind which is my most versatile tool.

I chose the name Southern Yankee Workshop because I hail from a Southern family, yet I was born in Duluth Minnesota. Below are some things I do in the Southern Yankee Workshop.

I have Designed and built Garden furniture using mortise and tenon joinery. I made web pages that explain how a do-it-youselfer could make a custom garden bench in their own woodshop or make a wood strip canoe in their garage. Where ever your interests might lead you, sit back aand follow my tutorials and satisfy your desire to create something elegant from wood.

I set up my woodshop for my own enjoyment so I can get away and do what I like to do. Ever since I was a young boy, I have been fascinated with woodworking and have tried to learn how to make the things that look like they were purchased from a furniture store. I like making garden benches because I like gardens, and frankly, I like having a place to sit down.

I love woodworking. I enjoy learning a new way to make something from wood. The best way to capture my interest is to to show me a technique to make woodworking more enjoyable and at the same time, maaybe I can learn another task that will make me a better woodworker. I am always willing to add another skill to my to my trade.

My Favorite Links on the Web

USNO Atomic Clock
Amiga Computer Link
Dart Links
SCUBA Education
Invention Help

I was in the Navy once upon a time.

USS Proteus (AS-19)
Trident Refit Facility Bangor
OM/IM Association

Guam is a divers paradise and at Micronesian Divers Association I learned SCUBA.

Thank you for visiting with me here in the Southern Yankee Workshop, Happy Surfing!
Please come back soon and visit me.

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