We're so happy you dropped by! Thank you for signing our guestbook. The coffeepot and tea kettle are always on and hot so come again soon.

johughes - 11/26/00 18:19:58
great web site Patti & Al

Joanne - 11/02/00 02:25:38
Al & Patti, you have such a beautiful family. You all look so good. This is the first time I figured out how to view all of the page. This is a good thing!

Sean Lemons (really!) - 07/30/00 01:25:52
My Email:jefesean@peoplepc.com
Your favorite RV - (Ours is an Alpenlite 5th wheel!!): don't know
Your favorite campground: ditto
Your favorite chat channel: don't have one
I just did a search on my name and came up with your site. This is the first time I've ever found another "Sean Lemons". My family is from Oklahoma (where I was raised), but I live in Texas with my wife and daughters. Don't know if we are cousins or no , but it was nice visiting your site! Sean G. Lemons

kathy - 07/05/00 01:55:05
My Email:kbkiwi123@aol.com
Sorry, not a camper. So far found most chat lines inane. Too busy trying to stay alive and making a living to have more than a hundred hobbies! Just spent the day trying to find the turtle who managed to escape from the koi pond. Right now trying to f nd a good injury lawyer to sue Home Depot for an accident that was their fault and they reneged on promise to pay doctor bills`. So many fun ways to fill one's time! Would give more fascinating facts about my life but have a five degree fever today and eed to go lie down before I fall down. Have a good day/

Omer and Chris - 05/06/00 11:28:25
My Email:regency92@aol.com
Your favorite RV - (Ours is an Alpenlite 5th wheel!!): coleman tent!!
Your favorite campground: Swanzey Campground, Swanzey N.H.
Your favorite chat channel: Novices!!
Hi, Just dropped in to look at the pictures. Hope all is fine out west. We think your family website is great fun!! Someday maybe we'll be more computer literate to set up our own. Love, Omer and Chris

Debbie Buehler - 04/26/00 15:14:45
My Email:debra.l.buehler@lmco.com
Great seeing everyone! Thanks for sharing.

Eileen Hunt - 04/26/00 13:13:07
Hi Patti, It was so much fun visiting with you and the rest of the family at Kathy's house. Your pictures are great. I haven't downloaded ours yet but it is on my to do list. Love, Eileen

Carol - 04/26/00 04:51:30
Some Great pics of the Mass. family. I am so jealous of all the trees! Looks like everyone had a great time and were able to tolerate Aunt Patti.

Pat - 02/25/00 22:21:12
My Email:pkbeckloff@earthlink.net
Thanks for sending this address. I enjoyed visiting you website. See you again soon>

Twyla McCue Hinzman - 01/23/00 23:56:20
My Email:ralph.hinzman@dol.net
Your favorite RV - (Ours is an Alpenlite 5th wheel!!): Airstream
Your favorite campground: too many to name
What a beautiful family! Good luck with your new web page. We haven't ventured into that yet. We enjoy RVing. I retired in '91, Ralph in '96. There's nothing like it. You will enjoy it. We're getting ready to head south for several weeks. I don't ike snow! We're taking a lap top to keep abreast of things. Happy hunting..Twyla

Judy Little - 12/18/99 20:30:29
My Email:JAL22407@aol.com
Your favorite RV - (Ours is an Alpenlite 5th wheel!!): working on an antique bus
Your favorite campground: don't have one yet
Your favorite chat channel: don't have one
It's good to find you again! Love your web site!

Patrick - 11/23/99 09:15:56
My Email:indinpat@netscape.net
Your favorite RV - (Ours is an Alpenlite 5th wheel!!): A motor home that doesn't break down and has A/C that works. Unlike my dad's motor home that brike down this past Summer
Your favorite campground: Jalama
Your favorite chat channel: apspatti
Hey Patti & Al This is a really neat web page. Would love to stop over for hot coffee on a cold day, or go fishing at Gaviota again someday. Patrick (indin)

EDDIE SEDILLO - 08/13/99 14:52:06
My Email:sedillo_er@aps.edu
Your favorite RV - (Ours is an Alpenlite 5th wheel!!): I like yours.
Your favorite campground: Cherry Hill,Salt Lake City

Helen - 08/06/99 19:33:34
My Email:Helen@cybertours.com
Missed your area, but visited Santa Fe, Taos, the Cimaron area. Son #1 does work in Miami NM near Springer off #25. Went to a barn dance in Taos..those cowboys sure know how to swing their ladies!

J. Richard Crawford - 05/22/99 21:51:48
My Email:rc227@bcnetmail.org
Your favorite RV - (Ours is an Alpenlite 5th wheel!!): 20' Prowler ( retired )
Your favorite campground: Stuart's Park Camping
Al: I have enjoyed your page, and meeting the family - quite a hansome group. We used to do a lot of camping, but a few years ago, we sold the old Prowler, and gave it all up for quieter things. Thanks Dick

Bonnie E. Fils - 05/21/99 21:10:08
My Email:bfils@msd38.k12.az.us
Your favorite RV - (Ours is an Alpenlite 5th wheel!!): NONE
Your favorite campground: NONE - Marriott!
You are so cool......it is great to see u'all in living color on my computer......isn't technology just great?!

janelle - 03/24/99 03:47:20
My Email:jagun@mwt.net
Your favorite RV - (Ours is an Alpenlite 5th wheel!!): mini home
Love to camp anywhere there is fishing to be done.

Martin Battaliou - 03/10/99 23:06:36
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mb/bbep/javascript.html


Rock on people, this is a great site. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook. Keep up the good work.

Re ards
Martin Battaliou


- 03/09/99 01:32:01

Pat Beckloff - 02/20/99 22:04:00
My Email:patbeckloff@hotmail.com
Your favorite RV - (Ours is an Alpenlite 5th wheel!!): We agree that yours is the best!
Your favorite campground: Your yard!
Your favorite chat channel: None yet
Hi! I'm finally back on-line! I got a new computer and it is so much better than that one that kept crashing! So I thought I'd give you a surprise! Loved your web page! I still don't feel I have time to create one of my own yet but maybe someday. Th sisters and I hope to come to beautiful "New Mexico" the first week in June. (Probably) Would all love to see you. Talk to you later! Pat(sy)

Jim Keenan - 01/24/99 15:49:20
My Email:jim.keenan@btinternet.com
First time on the net. very impressed with your web page. perhaps in the future I shall get as good as yours. I dont understand what RV is ? and as yet have not been on any chat channels. bye by from Barnarnd Castle, England.

DgMcD - 10/13/98 22:13:22
My Email:h48z44@bellatlantic.net
Your favorite chat channel: 50Plus
Nice work. See you on $50Plus :)

Mr & Mrs Pudgy Prussian - 08/29/98 16:48:28
My Email:kaeppda@cbpu.com
Your favorite RV - (Ours is an Alpenlite 5th wheel!!): used to have a 27' Coachman
Your favorite campground: Morris Meadows, New Freedom, PA
Your favorite chat channel: don't have one yet
How does one join your group (50+)? We need a good chat with some persons of our own age once in a while!

Harald - 08/11/98 17:17:39
My Email:lhg@panama.phoenix.net
I'm new to this. I live in Panama, married, dauter Amanda (19) college san Marcus Tex. Wife Karin working with DODDS. Iäm Harald 57. nice to meet you!

filly - 07/03/98 10:09:19
My Email:phosking@internetnorth.com.au
This is my first contact. I would appreciate any assistance to be able to chat with others. I have an interest in genealogy. Am a member of Lions International. Have 3 daughters, 2 grand-daughters and two grandsons. Must not forget, also have a husband. I have a cousin in Arkansas.

Jean Prendergast - 06/13/98 23:14:56
My Email:prender@tinet.ie
Dia dhaoibh go lèir! (Hello everybody) Strong tea, one sugar, milk, thanks very much. The weather in Ireland is too damp for camping, don't say I did'nt warn you! Lovely family you got there but where's the red hair? Good luck

John Strojny - 05/05/98 04:19:00
My Email:Trackerjon@worldnet.att/net
Your favorite RV - (Ours is an Alpenlite 5th wheel!!): Embassy Suites
Your favorite campground: Las Vegas
Your favorite chat channel: The ringing of the machines
Nice page guys. You need to link your genealogy to this page.

Merry & Jean - 03/20/98 19:49:43
Your favorite campground: Rusniks-Salisbury,MA
Hi Patti, it's Jean and Merry saying hi from Merry's house. Sheryl's on vacation in Florida, will write soon.

Vicki Moynahan - 03/19/98 06:53:12
My Email:vickim@tcoe.org
Your favorite RV - (Ours is an Alpenlite 5th wheel!!): Hillton
Your favorite campground: San Francisco
I don't take sugar or milk in my coffee, but a few ice cubes would be great, Thanks. Thank you also for describing me so correctly in your web page. Oh, Kelly said,"Hi" and waved.

Al Lemons - 03/12/98 17:20:10

Carol - 03/10/98 18:44:03
My Email:carol@datsol.com
Your favorite RV - (Ours is an Alpenlite 5th wheel!!): Yours!
This is great Patti! Brad and I have been really busy and I rarely get to sit down at the computer at home just to play. Thanks for the email!

Count - 03/08/98 16:56:59
Your favorite RV - (Ours is an Alpenlite 5th wheel!!): Dracula Mobile
Your favorite campground: Transelvania
You should add a Count! cd

- 03/06/98 04:42:48
I like to swing! Bro

j&j - 02/28/98 23:03:06
Hi Patti, just visited Rick's site too. This is a great idea, get to see pictures of all the kids. I love it. Did it take along time to set up? I'm very short on time. Will write later.

Patsy - 02/28/98 19:02:14
My Email:pbeckloff@geocities.com
I did get into this and hope this sends. I'm maybe making a little progress and really want to learn. I thing this is going to be fun if I can figure out how to get started. Loved the coffee. Thanks for remembering I like French Vanilla Coffeemate lik we enjoyed at your place in Alb. Hope to talk to you soon.

Evelyn Miller - 02/26/98 22:43:17
My Email:evmiller@worldnet.att.net
You have a great looking family! I'm so glad we found each other.

Vaag - 02/26/98 04:03:46
My URL:http://diamond.ci.lexington.ma.us/mathteam/
My Email:noahsark@shore,net
Your favorite campground: Webster (MA) KOA
Neat page, Patti! Whatever possessed you to do a web page? Give our best to Al, Scott, & Sean. Vaag

Betty Delgado - 02/24/98 16:01:16
My Email:delgado@cec1.aps.edu
Your favorite RV - (Ours is an Alpenlite 5th wheel!!): I only wish
Your favorite campground: Canjilon Lakes
Your favorite chat channel: Huh?

Karen & Glenna - 02/23/98 21:33:32
My Email:backgrnd@montana.com
Your favorite RV - (Ours is an Alpenlite 5th wheel!!): Prowler
Your favorite campground: crystal park,Montana
Your favorite chat channel: icq
We have icq now, but don't know much about it. the # is 8494576. Eventually we may learn how to use it. But, don't bet on it! It would be up to Glenna to decide about the web page, but she is a great neighbor!! Karen & Glenna

Rick - 02/22/98 23:40:40
My Email:rickm@tcoe.org
Your favorite RV - (Ours is an Alpenlite 5th wheel!!): Bounder
Your favorite campground: Anything with the word INN attached to it.
Your favorite chat channel: 50plus
A yellow background with red letters. Wow!

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