Cures for adelgids once you have them.

We have sought advice from our local UMass tree disease experts.
Terry Tatar is a Professor in the Plant Pathology Department at UMass Amherst. He has published research on the effective treatment of the wooly adelgid and has suggested some solutions for our EHSA as well as individual homeowners.
First, how severe is the problem?
The Wooly Adelgid has killed many hemlock on Long Island. Some residents there have claimed that their hemlock was infected and survived without treatment. Many of the hemlocks in Connecticut are subcumbing now. In Springfield MA there are many infected trees but they have not died yet. One theory is that Massachusetts is the natural home territory of the Hemlock and the tree is better able to resist an infection if it is growing here. Hemlocks with a good water source are more likely to avoid serious infection. Those hemlocks on dry ridges are most vulnerable.
Second, can our EHSA homeowners trust their hemlocks to a field test of the resistance to Wooly Adelgids?
Probably the homeowner will want to protect their valuable trees rather than trust their investment to theories.
Third, what is there to do?
A commercial tree care expert, such as our local Shumways, is prepared to help the homeowner. Terry Tattar recomends a systemic injection into the tree trunk for large trees. The systemic poison will protect the tree for up to 9 months. Smaller trees can be sprayed with an oil emulsion which smothers and kills the Adelgid but must be used on each flare up of the insect that occurs. The homeowner can use a liquid detergent solution in a lawn sprayer to achieve the same effect on small hemlocks which can be totally drenched with the spray.

Good luck with your hemlocks?

Talk with your neighbors and check your hemlocks for adelgids? If you need help identifying them check in with Joe Kunkel or Chuck Gillies, both of whom have seen the existing infection on one of our Common Land hemlocks. A map of the status of the Adelgid infection of EHSA is found at Echohill Adelgid Map.
Echohill Adelgid Slide Show 2002.