Pacific Northwest Plants

Plants, both Wild and Cultivated, that flourish in the Pacific Northwest

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Hi! I'm Diane Day. This site offers you photos and information about some plants, both native and cultivated, that flourish in the Pacific Northwest. This page focuses mainly on perennial and self-seeding species growing on the wet (er, west!) side of the Cascade Mountains, but you will eventually find some information on dry-country plants found in central and eastern Oregon and Washington, too.

The contents are in two broad categories, "Cultivated" and "Wild." These categories, in many instances, have some degree of overlap. The "Cultivated" group contains those plants found mainly in gardens, most of which have been "imported" from other areas for this purpose. The "Wild" category includes both native and "gone-wild" plants, and I mention which is which--when I know for sure! The native entries reflect the wide number of plants that grow naturally in this area. The "gone-wild" pages offer information on many species of plants that were introduced to this area (or country) by settlers or explorers and just kept going on their own. (Some of these entries might surprise you!)

For the most part, I am concentrating on ornamental and aesthetic values rather than practical use, although many of these plants were (and are) used as food. I do hope, however, to eventually add notes on a plant's use in the fiber arts-- mainly weaving, spinning, natural dyeing, and paper-making.

I staked out my plot here in the Picket Fence neighborhood of GeoCities on May 28, 1998, and have planted some ideas, but it always takes more time and work to keep a garden in shape! I hope you find some blossoms here that bring you joy.

I enjoy many other activities besides identifying plants! Some of my interests are: nature, pets (guinea pigs, tropical fish, etc.), ethnic cooking (all kinds!), crafts, computers and computer research, reading (mostly mysteries, science fiction, and nonfiction), website design and maintenance, graphic arts, fiber arts (including weaving, spinning, dyeing, felting, knitting, crocheting, cross-stitching...and more), music (performing, composing, arranging, and listening), home-schooling (just advising now!), education, family, church, and living life!

Now (2008) that our youngest is a college graduate and on her own, I'm actually trying to find some time to get back into working on this website (as well as 4 others!). I have a new computer, a new printer, and a new scanner--and my husband has a good digital camera for taking pictures of plants in the wild. I have been using Paint Shop Pro 4 through 9 over the years I've had this site, and still like the results I get. I am planning on having more fun, and hope to get many more of my plant images up on the site. Please be patient!

NOTE: All graphics and text are the original work of the author (that's me!) unless specifically noted. Please use only as directed! (See the message at the bottom of each page.) Thanks, Diane


List of Plant Information


Humor--I hope!
A Pseudo-Scholarly Essay

"A Weed's Perspective"

French Horns and Flowers



My Camellia Page

Pearly Everlasting

My Iris Page

My Maple Page

My Phlox Page

My Twinflower Page

My Rose Page

My Honeysuckle Page
Links to other sites on the Web

Washington State University Master Gardener: Northwest Native Plant Guide
My 5 Acre HomeSchool Newsletter
Five Acre Graphics

Email me at if you have questions or comments.

Please come back and visit again soon!


© 1998-2008 by Diane Day
Graphics © 1998-2008
Diane's Designs

Index Page Images

Feel free to use any of this page's images on your site, but please, please credit Diane's Designs for them, and place a link from your site back to that page or to this one. Thank you!

If you're looking for something more about one of the topics I've mentioned, I've added this search window for your convenience--but please bookmark my page before you leave!


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