

Hi!  My name is Bonnie.  My husband, Chris and I live in Connecticut.  I've lived in Connecticut all my life.  Chris moved to the U.S. from Poland when he was 12.


A major interest of mine is gardening.  I'm interested in many kinds of plants; annuals, perennials (especially daylilies and dahlias), vegetables, and houseplants.

I am "addicted" to Epiphyllums, sometimes called orchid cactus.   There are thousands of named hybrids with flowers ranging in size from less than 3 inches to more than 10 inches.  Some are very fragrant.  Three years ago I had 4 Epiphyllums.  Now I have more than 150.  Click on the pictures below to see larger pictures of these gorgeous flowers.

Ackermannii 2.jpg (46352 bytes)Deutsche Kaiserin 6 083100.jpg (107518 bytes)oxypetallum.jpg (33287 bytes)

Click here for more epiphyllum photos

I also grow a large variety of other houseplants including Streletzia reginae (Bird of Paradise), Anthurium Andraeanum, Passiflora (Passion Flower), and several abutilons, brugmansias, mandevillas, and bougainvilleas.  Although these plants spend the summer outdoors, when the weather gets cold our sunroom and every available window gets filled with plants.

Anthurium.jpg (75297 bytes)Brugmansia.jpg (69771 bytes)calamondin orange.JPG (291038 bytes)Streletzia 2.jpg (64800 bytes)

Click here for more houseplant photos

Since buying our house more that 20 years ago, each year we have been gradually expanding our flower gardens.  We have several border and island gardens and grow a variety of annuals and perennials.

Bearded Iris.jpg (58813 bytes)Garden1.jpg (72534 bytes)Garden3.jpg (82092 bytes)Lily Stargazer.jpg (89451 bytes)

 Click here for more photos of our flower gardens


Chris and I took our first cruise in 1998.  We sailed on Royal Caribbean's Monarch of the Seas in celebration of our 25th wedding anniversary.  It was a 7 days Southern Caribbean cruise out of San Juan, Puerto Rico, with stops at St. Thomas, Martinique, Barbados, Antigua, and St. Maarten.

Antigua2.jpg (64544 bytes)LDPool.jpg (91354 bytes)

Click here for more photos and a review of our cruise.

We took our second cruise in October 2000.  This was a 14 day Panama Canal Cruise with stops in Cabo San Lucas and Acapulco, Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia, and Aruba.  We sailed on Royal Caribbean's Vision of the Seas.

Click here for photos and a review of this cruise.


I work as a research nurse and project coordinator in the Burlingame Center for Psychiatric Research and Education at The Institute of Living.  The Institute, founded in 1822, was one of the first psychiatric hospitals in the United States, and the first hospital in Connecticut.  My primary areas of interest include psychopharmacology, computer applications in psychiatry, quality management, and outcome assessment.

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