The HomepageKey
The Online Locksmith
A guide to the everyday use and care of locks and keys for ANYONE who might have them

This time I've only added one new item toProblem Preventers and made the new background.
I've been busy on another web project, our family album. A link to that is coming soon, so you can "meet" the locksmith and his family.
If you've never visited this site before, have a look at 'What is this', for an explanation of the purpose of this site.

Hi, Welcome to"The Online Locksmith"
My name is Eric Rausch and I work as a Locksmith in Vallejo California.
What I've done here is put together some of the things I feel should be common knowledge about locks for all people. These are things I've found many people do not know about their locks and keys, as well I also see this page as a possible forum for people's questions that they never have a locksmith around to ask.
For more info on this site's purpose, see 'What is this' Have a look and do me a favor:
Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement you may have.

I publish here on the web as an individual, I am not doing this in association with any corporation. This is for informational purposes only and any reference to products or brand names is personal opinion. No Information represented on this page can be considered specific advice for all situations, IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT, CALL A LOCKSMITH.


To Problem Preventers
Problem Preventers

FAQ Page

What is This?


Email me at

I've got you're number now
Copyright © 1998, Eric Rausch

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