Tessa's Web Friend's

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Hey there!! Welcome to my friends page. Every one here
means worlds to me...To the moon and back baby..=)

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Buzz, the man who made the homepage come to life.

He is a very kind, sweet, giving man. Helpful in all things.

I've known him for a little over a year, and cherish our friendship very much.

Don't ever change Buzz!! Luv ya.

Buzz Man's Web Page

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Talon, many, many thanks for the time you spent scanning all my pics for me!

Here's another sweet, kind and giving man.

I've also known him for a little over a year. We chat everyday.

He's a very good friend! Friends forever!! luv ya

Talon's Nest

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Jennik...There are so many things I can say about her.

She been my best friend for 10 years, and seen sides of me that my net friends pray they never see! <LOL>

I will always love ya Jen, and anytime you need help, I'm only 5 minutes away.


Home Page

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Sabertooths Pic

Saber..My cyber twin. <LOL>

We shared plenty of laughs together in Powwow and in ICQ!!

She is one of the first people I met online.

We use to talk on a daily basis, but she is now working, so we touch base a few times a week...luv ya sis!!


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