Welcome to the "Brictoria" Homepage
     My name is Bob, and my wife Sharon and I wanted to share some photos of our home with anyone that might be interested in a "new Victorian home."  The name "Brictoria" came from the combination of my profession as a mason and the masonry construction of our new victorian home.  Constructed from late 1987 to summer of 1991, Sharon and I worked with dear friends,  family, and a few good subcontractors to bring our vision to a delightful conclusion.

      We have a few pictures to view finally; please enjoy and hopefully we can get a few more in place before long.  Putting this page together has been great fun and any input or questions are always welcome.  Thank you for your time and patience.
Our Weather
Click here for house pictures
Studebaker pictures here
Some of our interests include:
Our favorite seach links
Kitty pictures here
Victorian homes, historical buildings,  Studebaker automobiles, especially Avanti's, antique furnishings, and of course the Internet
Heh, Heh, Heh, Halloween 98
Content on our page includes:
Pictures of our "new Victorian home" and 64 Studebaker Avanti
We recently posted some picture from our 1998 Halloween celebration
Finally got shots of the Kittys and also some masonry projects that I have been working on
This one's for GiGi
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Last updated on February 1, 2008