Brook Duerr's Wild and Wacky Web Page of Madness

Well, here it is folks, the web page you have been looking for. One you have been searching for all your life, or at least since Al Gore invented the Internet. As many of you already know I am a "different" sort of fellow. I live in Lake Elmo, Minnesota, however, I originally come from Syracuse, NY. I went to college in Potsdam, NY, and later I went to graduate school at The Ohio State University. After graduating for OSU I went to the University of Illinois and worked as a Post-Doc. In early 1991 my wife and I moved from Illinois to Minnesota. The following spring we bought our current house and we have been living here ever since.

In order to make this set of web pages load fast and simple to navigate, I am going to keep my pages simple. You won't find dancing logos, or any other rotten applets. I believe that things could be kept as simple as is needed to get the message across. Anything else is just a waste of time. So, from this point you will find a bunch of links below that will have a brief description attached. Each one should give you enough information to tell you whether you will die if you don't look at that page, or you will survive just fine if you skip that page. I start with a series of sections and then in each section I have further divisions. I think you should be able to get to where you want to go really fast.

  1. The Family: here is a photo of me, my wife (Barbara) and our dogs. They are Truffle (left) and Hannah (right). They are also known as the "killer Brown Dogs of Death" because they do a good job of protecting our house.
  2. Here are some more photos of the dogs.

  3. Our Baby: In January of this year (2000) my wife gave birth to our lovely baby daughter. Her name is Anna Robin Duerr. She is a real cutie, and you can ooh and ahh over her by looking here for a series of pictures.

  5. Baby's Room: Here is a list of pictures of the baby's room, along with some pictures of the dresser that I made for her. I made the changing table, and the shelves on the walls. Note how the color of the shelves matches the knobs on the dresser. That was my wife's doing. We won't mention that we needed one quart of custom blended mint green paint in order to pain just one knob. Oh well, we can use the paint elsewhere.

  7. Woodworking: I am a bit of a fanatic when it comes to my hobbies. I love woodworking. I got my start from my dad who was a second generation carpenter and cabinet maker. I grew up in the family owned business doing new home construction and remodeling work. My brother still makes his living doing carpentry. I chose to go to college and graduate school because I did not like being a slave to the economy. I also cut and sold firewood to pay for my youthful indiscretions and my college education. During the course of cutting firewood I sometimes cut timber logs for other loggers. I also cut and sold timber logs to several sawmills in the upstate NY area. All the black cherry logs I cut went to Harden Furnature. Now I can do woodworking as I wish, and I can buy the tools that I lust after. Click here for a start off point for my woodworking exploits. As a way to see where I live, and some photos of my woodworking shop and grounds, may I suggest you take the walking tour by clicking here.
  8. I have some woodworking project sections that are popular with people.

    Walking tour of shop and grounds

    Directions on how to make an overhead filter

    List of photos showing how to build an air filter

    Tool reviews that I have done (Delta Drum Sander, Star 8" Jointer, Dust Collection System including cyclone and metal ductwork)

    Making an (movable) outfeed table for a Delta Unisaw

    Making a dresser for our lovely daughter

    A list of photos of the dresser and our baby's room

    Dust Collection Resources. Here is a list of great links for information on Dust Collection. Nearly everything is covered here in one form or another. If you can't find it here, it don't exist.


  9. Our garden: We spend quite a bit of time in our gardens. I am a vegetable and fruit junkie, and my wife likes flowers. Here is a list of the photos we have pertaining to our garden. Two years ago I started planting large quantities of daffodils. The first year I planted 2400. In 1999 I planted another 1500. The photos in the list shown above are only of the first 2400 bulbs. Each spring I will update the photos and show you how they get bigger and fuller each year. I also have 51 blueberry plants. I have 23 different varieties, and each year I get about 125-150 pounds of blueberries from my patch. Some of my plants were started in 1993.