Welcome to the Liakos Family Homepage

A way for us to stay in touch.....

The Family

This link will take you to the past and present of our family. Also includes a link to charts of birthdays, as well as a link to The Aussie Connection. Do you know everyone??

Pic of the Week

Updated October 11, 1999

Tribute to George E. Meskos

Latest Events:

The weather held out for Angelo and Tula's wedding. It was a little cold, but beautiful and sunny. With a whole month off to rest, everyone was ready to party again!

Take a look at the pics!

Angelo and Tula's wedding

We have two weddings in quick sucession. Paul and Agnes had a beautiful sunny day. The weather couldn't have been better.

Take a look at the pics!

Agnes and Paul's Wedding

The latest family function was Chris and Penny's wedding on July 15, 2000. Lucky for them, it rained ALL day!! Superstition has it that rain brings prosperity!!

Check out the pictures!

Chris and Penny's Wedding

You all know Nick and Michelle got married on May 29th, 1999, don't you? (If you don't, you missed a HELL of a party!!)

Here are a few pictures taken the special day:

Nick & Michelle's Wedding

Family Pics:

Mike & Karen's Family

George & Dana's Family

John & Terese's Family

George & Diane's Family


For those of you at a distance who have not been able to visit...

Sam Liakos


Okay, here it is.. my version of a bulletin board. Its actually a free guestbook from Lpage, but you all get the idea. Visit often, and leave messages for one another!

Leave a Message on Bulletin Board

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Read Messages on Bulletin Board

Do you want the family EMAIL List of addresses? Click HERE I will update regularly, PROVIDED people tell me about it!!


Hey gang, there are some links you HAVE to check out.

First and foremost, Steve's Webventure Page. Best greeting card sight around.. they have won so many awards already!! (And don't I just like the PROUD big sis!!)


Have pictures you want to add? or comments to make??

