4803-4807 St. Elmo AvePAINTED LADIES AND OTHER BEAUTIES OF ST. ELMO4301-4307 St. Elmo Ave
St. Elmo, one of the oldest neighborhoods in Chattanooga, Tennessee, nestles at the foot of Lookout Mountain. Residents are proud of their Victorian era homes.
Alabama Ave at W 44th Street 4409 Alabama Ave

Lookout Mountain provides a dramatic backdrop for homes on Alabama Avenue. The Lookout Mountain community is visible in the skyline.
Saint Elmo is a community of contrasts, in its people, economics, and architecture.

4703 St. Elmo Ave

The sounds of saw and hammer are often heard in St. Elmo as residents work to restore their Victorian treasures, many of which were saved from near destruction due to age and neglect. This restored Queen Anne house resembles a jewelbox as workers create a true "painted lady" by using three or more distinct colors.

Before Restoration (1993)
Before Restoration (1993)
The Presbyterian Church is one of St. Elmo's most beautiful structures. With generous gingerbread work, it combines several of the most outstanding characteristics of Queen Anne design--the lattice work in the peak, the layered tile, and the spindles supporting the porch. There is also a hint of Gothic Revival in the triple windows and shapes of the arches.

The Making of a Painted Lady

St. Elmo Presbyterian Church at St. Elmo Ave and W 44th St
St. Elmo Presbyterian Church
4617 Alabama Ave
Alabama Ave at W 49th St
Sometimes it is as simple as falling in love. You fall in love with a house, you imagine it in its glory.
For many St. Elmo residents, restoring the dream house is a work of a lifetime, adding, repairing as they can, and never turning loose of the dream. One day...maybe one day soon...
4301 St. Elmo Ave, one of the oldest St. Elmo homes, visible in sepia photo in history section
Home Page Painted Ladies of St. Elmo Queen Annes of St. Elmo
History of St. Elmo
More of St. Elmo to come!
Map of St. Elmo Historic District
(Map shows official historic route, may not include all St. Elmo)
St. Elmo residents and admirers can email us here

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