NANA'S "lil angel" PLACE
Grandmas come in dozens of shapes,
bunches of wrinkles.. but they all
have the same love in the middle.
Grandmas come to call carrying
shopping bags with Very Interesting bulges.
Grandmas are the people who take
delight in hearing babies breathing
into the telephone.
Grandmas give you the cherry off the top.
Perfect love sometimes does not come until
grandchildren are born.
This page is in Honor of our newest..
"not yet here"Grandbaby..
Our bundle of joy is due early September
Each night I tuck you into bed,
I brush my hand across your head
and in each tiny little fist
I place a magic mommy kiss.
Full of love and hope so bright
To keep you safely through the night
Mommy kisses in your hand
To guide you off to slumber land
If you should dream of monsters mean
Or witches with faces masked in green
Or snakes that squeeze you
Oh SO Tight Or darkness with no sign of light
When nightmares hold you stiff
with fear
A part of mommy still is near
Just open up your hand and blow
One mommy kiss, and nightmares go.
Now I lay me down to sleep.I pray
the Lord my soul to keep.If I
should die before I wake. I pray
the Lord my soul to take.
If I could see the "World"
Though the eyes of a child,
What a wonderful world this would be.
I 'd see no troubles, no strives,
Just a big happy life
And a bluebird in every tree.
I could see right, no wrong,
I could see good, no bad.
I could see all the good things
In life I never had.
If I could see the "World"
Though the eyes of a child,
What a wonderful world this would be!
For Love
Do all the good you can
In all the ways you can
In all the places you can
At all the times you can
To all the people you can
As long as ever you can
Lord,keep us safe this night
Secure from all our fears.
May angels guard us while we sleep,
Till morning light appears.
There are those who believe,
So the story is told,
That at birth you receive
Your own Angel to hold.
You come into this world
On a wing and a prayer
And throughout your lifetime
She will always be there.
A guardian Angel
Who will guide what you do,
Her pure essence is love,
Sent to watch over you.
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~What is a Mother?~
A mother is someone to shelter and guide us,
To love us, whatever we do,
With a warm understanding and infinite patience
And wonderful gentleness, too.
How often a mother means swift reassurance
In soothing our small, childish fears,
How tenderly mothers watch over their children
And treasure them all through the years!
The heart of a mother is full of forgiveness
For any mistake, big or small,
And generous always in helping her family,
Whose needs she has placed above all.
A mother can utter a word of compassion
And make all our cares fall away,
She can brighten a home with the sound of her laughter
And make life delightful and gay.
A mother possesses incredible wisdom
And wonderful insight and skill -
In each human heart is that one special corner
Which only a mother can fill!
I will fill in the blanks
above as soon as "Logan" arrives.
~A Child's Angel~
Once upon a time there was a
child ready to be born.
So one day he asked God
They tell me you are sending me to earth
tomorrow but how am I going
to live there being so
small and helpless?
Among the many angels, I
chose one for you.
She will be waiting
for you and will take care of you.
But tell me, here in Heaven,
I don't do anything else but sing and
smile, that's enough for me to be happy.
Your angel will sing for you and
will also smile for you every day.
And you will feel your angel's
love and be happy.
And how am I going to be able
to understand when people talk to
me,if I don't know the language
that men talk?
Your angel will tell you the most
beautiful and sweet words you
will ever hear, and with much
patience and care,
your angel will teach you
how to speak.
And what am I going to do when
I want to talk to you?
Your angel will place your hands
together and will teach you how
to pray.
I've heard that on earth
there are bad men.
Who will protect me?
Your angel will defend you
even if it means risking its life.
But I will always be sad because
I will not see you anymore.
Your angel will always talk
to you about me and will teach you the
way for you to come back
to me, even though I will always
be next to you.
At that moment there was much
peace in Heaven, but voices from
earth could already be heard,
and the child in a hurry asked softly:
Oh God, if I am about to leave
now, please tell me my angel's
name Your angel's name is
of no importance,
you will call your angel:
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