79279 - Bamber, Sydney
79296 - Carthew, James (KIA)
2204913 - Davis, Ben
Lieutenant - Dunn, Charles Hugh
231246 - Dunn, Hugh Basil -son of Charles Hugh Dunn
231177 - Dunn, Robert Ellis - son of C.H. Dunn
231746 - Dunn, Harold Francis -(NE10-53-4-W5)-(KIA)- son of W.C. Dunn
812088 - Gauthier, Charles -(NW32-53-4-W5) (wounded)
812087 - Gauthier, George
9279151 - Hurst, George Fletcher
Lieutenant -904347 - Hurst, Llwellyn Herbert
811201 - Laight, George (Sergeant-Major) -(NW8-53-3-W5)- Boer War vet- 138 Btn.
231518 - Lent, Louis Llewellyn (Sergeant) -(SW4-53-3-W5) 202nd btn(?)-(wounded), son of D.H. Lent
3214537- Loyngaard, Nils -(SW10-54-4-W5)
2568 - Luckett, D.H.
231187 - Margerison, George -Hildas father, (wounded)
231195 - Margerison, William -(NW30-53-4-W5) (wounded)
535 - McCusker, Charles
811056- Merryweather, George- (SW24-53-5-W5)
279463 - Moles, Harry
467526 - Parrett, William W. - (SE14-53-3-W5), (KIA).
811901 - Preston, Percy -(SW22-53-4-W5)
255823 - Street, Victor - son of Thomas Street
116669- Stobart, William
904886 - Tyrell, Harry
904883 - Tyrell, George
812091 - Woollard, Harry Stanley (Corporal) (wounded) -138th btn.
432647 - Woollard, Victor Watt -49th btn.
641 - Yourston, George - worked at Lakeside Mine- cabin on SW16-53-4-W5.
2288413 - Yourston, Alexander - brother to above- ditto
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Source: National Archives of Canada