I'm dreaming -Now Sam Magee was from Tennessee
of a white Christmas -Where the cotton blooms and blows
Just like the ones we used to know -Why he left his home in the
Where the treetops glisten -South to roam 'round the Pole God
And children listen -Only knows. He was always cold but
To hear -The land
Sleighbells -Of gold
In the -Seemed to
Snow -Hold him
Frosty -In a spell
The -Though he'd
Snowman -Often
Was a jolly,-Say in
Happy -His
Soul. -Homely
With a -Way that
Corncob -He'd
Pipe -Sooner
And -Live
A button -In
And two eyes
Made out of coal.
Looking NW from N. end of Dam#2.
(drowned tamaracks
-very spooky)
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