Nadine & Johnie's
Wedding Webpage

Hello.  Welcome to our wedding webpage.  We decided to put this together to share important information with our family and friends as we plan our wedding. 

So often, you go to a wedding, and know only one side of the story of the bride and groom. Sometimes, you barely know either one of them. Well, this is your chance to "meet" us if you haven't before, or to learn more about us.  We hope that by the time the wedding rolls around, everyone will feel like they've known each other for years.

Plus, this is a great way for us to let you know about all the little details of the wedding weekend, like where to stay and what to do while in Boston.  I'd like to liken this site to Disney World, you can't see everything in just one trip.  So come back often to see what develops.

Hey, before you go, don't forget to vote in our poll and sign our guestbook, so we know you stopped by.  Thanks again for visiting.

                                                            Nadine & Johnie        

How We Met

The Proposal



Bride's Journal

Photo Albums

Our House

Johnie's Corner

Nadine's Corner

The Parties

The Wedding Party

Gift Registry

Airline Discounts


The City of Boston

Webpage News               last updated 9/16/2001

Hello Folks.

Well, it's been a whole year.  We are now a
real old married couple.

So much so, we now even have a new addition to our family. 

Andrew Peter John has arrived!!!!.  And he even has his own webpage
.  Really now, did you think I wouldn't?  ;-)

Click here to go to Andrew's World

Getting back to the wedding for a minute, if anybody still has  pictures you'd like to send our way, we'd love to have them.

As always, feel free to send us a shout out in our guestbook.  We appreciate it.  Plus, I love getting mail.  :-)

Glad you stopped by, hope you like the site.  Let me know what you think of it. Or just give us some marital advice in the guestbook.

How many days to go?
Hey, click the cake to see how many
days until our next Anniversary.
Since they say home it where the heart is, as you travel through the website, click on this heart whenever you want to return to this homepage...
Take me home
Copyright 1999-2001  Nadine Owens
All rights reserved