Hi, we are the LeClairs of Riverside. We moved to this fine city in 1988 searching for affordable housing and a more rural lifestyle. We have found both. The City of Riverside is a fine place to live, work, and play. It has a lot to offer. There are short bios included that give a brief run down on who we are and what we do. So if you want to know more about us continue perusing our pages. Beside our bios you'll find links to our other web sites. Our commercial web-sites ( mine, my Dad's and my brother's) offer a little bit of everything. I do DTP and scroll sawing, my Dad does some killer woodworking, and my brother (besides hosting our sites) offers Web site creation, hosting and consulting .

Josh, Sally, Pete

Check on my online photo portfolio at ShareYourWorld.com
Pictures of the G-kids from the California Mid-State Fair NEW
Pictures of the G-kids from our weekend together. NEW
QWP is a proud sponsor of #844 at Willow Springs Motorcycle Club NEW
Sally's latest painting class
See our Online Family Photo Album
See our Online Christmas 1999 Photo Album
Impromptu Karoake Night at Tony and Debbies
Hoover Dam Photo Album
See my RoadTrips Photo Album
See our latest Craft Show images

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