'); //-->
My security routines I won't publish here for obvious reasons. The security routine is to first shut down the house then set HVAC and lighting too away status and finally sets the alarm. This includes all lights and modules. The HVAC is put in set back mode. I have several routines that provide a safety net for the house if it gets too hot or too cold for any reason. The lighting security routine is activated and log entries are made. Each time the external motion detector are trigger a log entry is made. Finally the pre alarm is sounded and the alarm system is set.
I really like the part about shutting down the house. My house is two stories and at last count has over 50 lights. You can count on some them being left on at all times. More on how I deal with that problem later.
The m-11 on lights the LED on the keypad next to the switch.
The garage door is plugged into an appliance module addressed to h-3.
The relay command is where the radio shack beeper is hooked up. I brought one that does both steady and pulsed beeps. So I can use the different sounds to mean different things.
EVENT: Dogs in the garage If XSEQ:( M-11 M-OFF ) Received within 3 seconds [Receive Only] Then X10: (H-3 Garage Door ctrl) OFF (T:Garage door off) LOAD with 0:05:00 X10: (M-11 kitchen pb3) ON (RELAY:alert-beep) ON DELAY 0:00:02 (RELAY:alert-beep) OFF End EVENT: Dogs in garage alert If (T:Garage door off) is Expiring Then (RELAY:alert-beep) ON DELAY 0:00:03 (RELAY:alert-beep) OFF (T:Garage door off) LOAD with 0:05:00 EndHVAC
Night time HVAC fan run routine
This routine I am very happy with. I found that the house (bedroom) was getting stuffy at night. (I have a routine that actually shuts down the HVAC during the spring and fall). I had to do something or install a ceiling fan. I have hated ceiling fans in my bedroom ever since I put my hand in one while putting on a t-shirt. It's function is to run the fan on both the up and downstairs HVAC for :15 every hour after midnight and before 6am. To get it to work I ended up having to set the timer for :45 and then use a delay of :15 in the then macro to get my hour spacing.EVENT: Fan run routine If Time is 12:01 AM SMTWTFS -OR- (T:Fan timer) is Expiring Then If Time is After 6:00 AM SMTWTFS Then (T:Fan timer) STOP (T:UP FAN TIMER) STOP Else (THEN MACRO:Run/deay fan) (THEN MACRO:UP RUN FAN) Nest End End THEN Macro: Run/deay fan MACRO BEGIN X10: (J-4 rcs commands) PRE-Set Level 13 % * Frozen * LOG 'fan run ' DELAY 0:15:00 X10: (J-4 rcs commands) PRE-Set Level 16 % (T:Fan timer) LOAD with 0:45:00 MACRO END THEN Macro: UP RUN FAN MACRO BEGIN DELAY 0:00:03 X10: (K-4 up commands) PRE-Set Level 13 % DELAY 0:15:00 X10: (K-4 up commands) PRE-Set Level 16 % (T:UP FAN TIMER) LOAD with 0:45:00 MACRO END>Power Failure
Temperture Loging
This code sample is used for logging the default thermostat temp set point, the actual temp as read from the RCS thermostats and what the actual set point is ( in case someone has manually changed it). I added a temp sensor in the attic and one outside so I added code to log that reading also. The entries are found in the message log. I use this for debugging the code and to monitor the HVAC system. I have even imported the log into excel and produced a graph of the temp/time of the house.I change the timer to a shorter time when I am troubleshooting the JDS or RCS thermostats. I then set it for longer when I just want to keep a daily log. I added a log of the attic and outside temp. when I added the two sensors for these areas. I actually look at these two temps more then I do the inside entries.
The dn setpoint is the default set point that the jds would set the thermostats to.
The current sp dn is the current set point. I log this in case someone has changed a thermostat manually.
The current temp dn is the actual temperture in the house as taken from the bidirectional thermostat.
EVENT: log heat If (T:temp log timer) is Expiring Then (V:current temp-dn) Load with (HVAC:downstairs ther Temperature ) DELAY 0:00:01 (V:current sp dn) Load with (HVAC:downstairs ther Setpoint ) (V:current up temp) Load with (HVAC:up thermostat Temperature ) (V:current up sp) Load with (HVAC:up thermostat Setpoint ) " dn-sp/current sp/current temp-up " LOG '(dn setpoint) /(current sp dn) /(current temp-dn)^(up setpoint)/(current up sp)/(current up temp)' LOG 'attic temp (attic temp)- outside temp (out tm)' (T:temp log timer) LOAD with 1:00:00 End
This code sample logs to the message log the highest and lowest temp for the attic and outside temp sensor. The high and low are written every morning to the message log and the values are reset. .
EVENT: ATTIC HIGH AND LOW LOG If Sunrise SMTWTFS -OR- (T:attic temp timer) is Expiring Then If (T:attic temp timer) is Expiring Then If (V:ATTIC HIGH)> (A/D:attic temp) Then (V:ATTIC HIGH) LOAD with (A/D:attic temp) Nest End If (V:outside high) < (A/D:out tm) Then (V:outside high) LOAD with (A/D:out tm) Nest End If (V:ATTIC LOW) > (A/D:attic temp) Then (V:ATTIC LOW) LOAD with (A/D:attic temp) Nest End If (V:outside low) > (A/D:out tm) Then (V:outside low) LOAD with (A/D:out tm) Nest End (T:attic temp timer) LOAD with 1:00:00 Else LOG 'DAILY TEMPS OUT (outside low)/(outside high)-ATTIC (ATTIC LOW)/(ATTIC HIGH)' (V:ATTIC HIGH) LOAD with (A/D:attic temp) (V:ATTIC LOW) LOAD with (A/D:attic temp) (V:outside high) LOAD with (A/D:out tm) (V:outside low) LOAD with (A/D:out tm) (T:attic temp timer) LOAD with 1:00:00 Nest End Else End
Analog temperture sensor (To prevent false readings)This code sample was suggested by Jeff at JDS to avoid the problem with analog temp. sensors giving false readings. The sensors tend to jump around. This code takes two readings 3:00 apart and compares them. If they are the same then the value is passed to the variable "cur outside tem" which is used by the controller. So the reading has to be stable for 3 min. before the controller is allowed to act on it.
EVENT: To read and verify outside temp If (V:test outside tem) != (A/D:out tm) Then LOG '(test outside tem) test, outside=(out tm),(then1)' (V:test outside tem) LOAD with (A/D:out tm) DELAY 0:03:00 If (V:test outside tem) = (A/D:out tm) Then LOG '(cur.outside temp)cur out temp,outside=(out tm)(then 2)' (V:test outside tem) LOAD with (A/D:out tm) (V:cur.outside temp) LOAD with (V:test outside tem) Nest End End
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