The Orlando Express

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IN00327_.wmf (21242 bytes)                        Still Under Construction

We finally bit the bullet...

and bought a new computer. It is a Hewlett Packard 600Mhz, PIII and boy can it fly.

These web pages are a mixture of what was written on the old and new.


The hard drive crashed 4 times on the old one and Kelly and I spent more time trying to fix and re-enter our saved files than we did having fun or doing our work.

On many days I had thoughts of doing this!

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This website is divided into sections. Parts of it are devoted to our family and local events, parts are about extended family, parts are about things that we find interesting.

Click on the pics below to go to the pages


Kelly and IThe Mary Kennedy page


Pictures Of People

I will try to update often. If you have pictures, thoughts, links, or anything else you might want people to see, send them to me and I will include them.


Comments, suggestions, critique, e-mail webmaster

I used Microsoft Frontpage to create this web site.