Lesson Plan

Lesson Title:  My Career
Curriculum Area: Vocational Education
Subject Area: Computer Applications in Business I
Grade Level:  9th - 12th
Standards Met: MA.A.1.3.2, MA.A.3.3.3, MA.C.2.3.1, LA.B.2.3.2, MA.A.3.3.3, LA.D.2.3.4, LA.B.2.3.4, LA.A.2.3.6, LA.C.1.3.1, LA.C.3.3, LA.A.2.3.7, VA.A.1.3.1, LA.D.2.3.5, LA.C.3.3.3., VA.B.1.3.2, LA.D.2.3.5, L.A.A.1.3.3, L.A.A.2.3.5, L.A.C.3.3.1, L.A.C.3.3.2, L.A.C.3.3.3, L.A.D.2.3.1, L.A.D.2.3.3, L.A.D.2.3.5
Short Description:  Students will research a career that they would like to pursue in the future and present in front of the class using Power Point.
Technology Needed: Power Point (or a presentation software program)
Resources Needed:   1 week for students to prepare  their presentation and 2-3 days to hear the presentations (depending on your class size)
Web Sites Needed: Any web site that the students can use to research careers.  Some suggestions are:
US Department of Labor
US Department of Labor web site for Students 
Florida's Job Bank 
America's CareerInfoNet
Learning Objectives: The student will demonstrate their knowledge of Power Point, Internet Research and Public Speaking.
Instructions: Each student will have 2 days to research a career.  They will need to use 2 creditable resources that are from the web and at least one resource from a text (books, magazines, newspaper, or interview).  They will have 3 days to compile their research into a power point presentation that needs to look professional.  The RUBRIC will be a guide for the minimum that is required for the presentation.  The students will need to go above and beyond the minimum to earn more points.  The students will then present the presentation in front of the class while having their peers review them using a RUBRIC(2).    The presentation will need to be at least 5 minutes. 
Student Assessment: The rubric that the students will use to create the presentation will account for 60% of the students 100pts.  A peer review of the presentation (both oral and the slide) will account for 10% and the remaining 30% will be the teachers review of the presentation.
Technology Assessment: The rubric will be the assessment of how well the students understand Power Point and the Internet.
Other resources used: Microsoft Office 2003 by Pasewark and Pasewark
Microsoft Office for Teachers by Patricia Fewell and William Gibbs
Sugguested Links for Career Research:
America's CareerInfoNet
US Department of Labor web site for Students
