WASHBURN HONOR STUDENTS -- Announcement was made recently of honor parts for graduation at Washburn high school, with valedictory honors going to James Hunter and salutatory honors to Gloria Plissey, above. First honor essay was awarded to Loretta Thompson and second honor essay, Adina Churchill. Other honor parts were awarded to Glennis Silver, Joanne Crouse and Gwendolyn Churchill. Hunter, son of Mrs. Augusta Hunter, has been active in the Future Farmers of America organization, being awarded the State Farmer degree in his junior year, and was basketball manager two years. Miss Plissey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Plissey, has participated in the Glee club, Tumbling club, and dramatics and served as cheerleader two years. She is associate editor of "The Northland." Miss Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Thompson, is editor of "The Northland," president of National Honor society and past president of the journalism club. Miss Churchill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milford Churchill, is vice-president of the National Honor society, and art editor of "The Northland".
[April 1949]