Mrs. Marguerite Flewelling and her three children have returned to their home in Ontario. Prior to her departure, she was honored at a stork shower by Mrs. Ona Allen and Mrs. Phyllis Allen given at the Murray Allen, Sr., home. A decorated baby carriage filled with shower gifts was presented Mrs. Flewelling. Attending were: Mrs Olive Allen, Miss June Allen, Mrs. Evelyn Flanagin, Mrs. Evelyn Flewelling, Mrs. Marilyn Sawyer, Mrs. Muriel Johnson, Mrs. Jennie Giggey, Mrs. Fern Ballard, Mrs. Glenna Deeves, Mrs. Marguerite Bills, Mrs. Renhard Sands, Miss Dorothy Churchill, Mrs. Dorothy Sperry, Mrs. Mildred Pettingill, Mrs. Roberta Doak, Mrs. Iris Black, Mrs. Myrtle Fuller. Sending gifts but unable to attend were: Mrs. Edith Bull, Miss Jeanette and Louise Gregg, Mrs. Rebecca Churchill. Miss Adina Churchill, Mrs. Claudia Stoddard, Mrs. William Crouse, and Mrs. Lila Flewelling. 1