Shower Given For Everett, Mass., Woman

WASHBURN, Jan. 31, [1951] -- A novel shower was given by Mrs. Roberta Doak at the home of Mrs. Mildred Pettingill recently for Mrs. Edward Skane (Adina Churchill) who resides in Everett, Mass. Forty guests arrived at the Pettingill home with unwrapped gifts and placed them on a table decorated with yellow and white streamers with a large stork hovering over a decorated bassinet. One unique gift, made by Mrs. Olive Allen, was a rag doll, togged in kiltie skirt and arranged with dollar bills donated by friends of Mrs. Skane.

Each guest wrapped her gift to be sent the guest of honor. During the evening a telephone call to Mrs. Skane, the missing guest of honor, was made by her mother, Mrs. Rebecca Churchill, announcing the surprise affair which was being held in her home town in her honor. 1