Sgt. Maskell Again Wounded in Korea

WASHBURN, Feb. 19 [1951] -- Sgt. First Class Sherman Maskell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maskell of Hines street, has been wounded for the second time in Korean action, according to word received Yesterday by his parents from the War department.

Sgt. Maskell attended Washburn high school and in 1944 enlisted in the paratroops, being discharged at the close of World War II. He later re-enlisted in the infantry and received his training at Camp Meade, Md., Fort Sill, Okla., and Fort Benning, Ga. In July of 1949, he was sent to Japan and entered Korea when hostilities began last June.

He first served with the 17th Infantry Regiment and later was transferred to the 21st Infantry Regiment of the 24th Division.

Sgt. Maskell first was wounded Nov. 1, but later returned to his unit in Korea.

His parents received a letter Saturday saying that he was in a hospital in Tokyo undergoing an operation on his eyes; but no other information was immediately available. 1