Farewell Party Is Held For Pastor

EASTON -- Friends of the Rev. and Mrs. Marvin Cummins gathered at the Pentecostal church Monday evening for a farewell party for then and their son, Ross, who were leaving Easton

this week. Mrs. Hayward Ames was in charge of the program.

Representative speakers from the Methodist Church included Dwight Fuller, Reuben Kennedy, Almon Cleaves, and Cecil Cronkite. Speakers representing the United Baptist Church of Easton were W. S. Howard and Harold Culberson.. The three Jordan sisters sang "When I Make My Last Move." The Rev. Bernard Patten of Presque Isle spoke briefly. Loree Smith and Harley York sang "Precious Hiding Place." Richard Green of Mars Hill gave tribute to the years of service, Ernest Beatty played a piano solo, Mrs. Dale Ames and Miss Glennlis Cronkite sang "If We Never Meet Again'' and Miss Marjorie Ames read a poem, "We Call It Maine.'' Mrs. Ronald Stead was the principal speaker.

A purse of money was presented to the guests of honor by Arnold Smith. The Rev. and Mrs.

Cummins expressed their appreciation for kindness shown them during their service in Easton, and for the gifts. Refreshments were served after the program with Mrs. Ruby Smith in charge.

The Rev. Marvin Cummins took over the pastorate of the Easton Pentecostal church in June, 1952, and has been an influential religious leader in the area. The family left Wednesday and will make an extended visit with Mrs. Cummins mother in Canada before re-locating. 1