WED 50 YEARS -- Observing their golden wedding, anniversary with a party given by their children were Mr. and Mrs. William Cameron of Woodland who were honored at Caribou Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron were married at Perth, N. B., June 29, 1912.
The table was decorated with a three-tiered anniversary cake and gold candles, with a center piece of roses and lilies of the valley.
Among the gifts was a money tree presented by friends and relatives.
Donna Theriault and Gloria Hitchcock were in charge of the gift table, with Linda Hitchcock in charge of the guest book. Brenda Swafford and Barbara Holmes, the couple's granddaughters, dipped punch. Alma Gahagan poured coffee. Other refreshments were served by Helen Theriault and Emma Hitchcock.
Cutting the cake was their daughter, Mrs. Elmer Gardiner and serving were their daughters-in-law, Mrs. Robert Cameron and Mrs. Lawrence Cameron.
Guests attending were the Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dee___, Rev. and Mrs. Robert Steward, and Mrs. Owen Gahagan, Mr. and Mrs. Loomis Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hitchcock, and son Lewis and Wilson Jr. and daughters, Gloria and Linda; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Swafford, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Cameron, Mrs. Minnie Tapley, Mrs. Ada Chandler, Mrs. A. Leigh Mills, Mrs. Helen Theriault, Mrs. Mary Nellson, Mrs. Helen Murcheson, Mrs. Isabel Ballard, Mrs. Lona Kelley. Mrs. Havlock Knox. Miss Donna Theriault, Mrs. Sadie Watson, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Gardiner, Mrs. Bertha Scott, Kenneth Irving, Ezra Miller Jr., Hubert Thompson, John Morrell, Sam Straight and James McConnell, all of Caribou: Mrs. Claudine Wright, Fort Fairfield; Mrs. Dorothy Allen, Westfield; the Rev. and Mrs. Reed Blackstone, Frank McIntire, Perham; Mr. and Mrs. Glenwood Tapley and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Irving, all of Presque Isle.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Glenwood Doody, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Haley, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Rohert Searles, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Irving, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron and son. Robert Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cameron and daughters. Linda and Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Norbeck, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Atcheson. Mr. and Mrs. Edman Bubar, Mrs. Blanch Huston, Mrs. Grace Haines, Mrs. Hannah Neilander, Miss Janice Huston and Chester Haines, all of Woodland: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Chamberlain and daughter, Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Doak of New Sweden; Mr. and Mrs. John Dickinson and Mrs. Effie Langley of Washburn and Mrs. Jean M. Drum of Bon Accord, N. B.
[June 1962]