
2 Husson Graduates Take Posts

Two June graduates of Husson College in Bangor, whose homes are in Aroostook County, have accepted teaching positions for the coming year.

Miss Mavis E. Churchill daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmont Churchill, 2 North Main Street, Washburn, will be teaching at Charlestown High School, Charlestown, N.H.

Miss Churchill was graduated from Washburn High School in 1958 and received her B.S. degree in business education from Husson.

She was treasure of Pi Rho Zeta Sorority, played girls' basketball, and was on the Ledger Staff at Husson.

Miss Churchill will he teaching courses in shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, and office practice. She will also be girls' basketball coach At Charlestown High School.

Miss Ruth Sperrey, daughter of Mr. Clifford Sperrey, Perham, will be on the faculty at Fort Fairfield High School. She will be in the business education department.

She was graduated from Washburn High School in June 1958 and received her B.S. in Business Education from Husson. She was graduated cum laude.

At Husson, Miss Sperrey was active in college affairs and was a member of the Women's Athletic Association. She is a member of Pi Rho Zeta Sorority and was parliamentarian her junior year. 1