WASHBURN -- Principal and Mrs. Clifford Burkett were honored guests at a farewell party held at the grade school cafeteria. Mr. Burkett is leaving Washburn after 11 years in the school department and has accepted the position as principal of Fort Kent Community High School.

Incidental music was played preceding dinner by Miss Sue Thompson. and Nathan Churchill was master of ceremonies at the program. A vocal solo and trumpet solo was given by Waldron Babbidge. Mac Holts of Perham expressed farewell wishes from the residents of Perham, followed by a humorous reading. A skit was presented by Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Clark. entitled "The Burketts After 30 years." Remarks were given by Supt. William Foster, followed by a reading by Holts.

Gifts were presented the Burketts by Irvine Clark. Assisting in the kitchen for the dinner were Mrs. Bennie Thompkins Jr., Mrs. Richard Porter, Mrs. Dudley McCall. Mrs. Irvine Clark, Mrs. Jasper Umphrey, Mrs. Camille Albert, and Mrs. Ralph Prince. Attending were Mrs. Norton Demsey and David of Winchester, Mass.; Louis Burt of Bridgewater; Nathan Churchill of Presque Isle; Malcolm Holts, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Holts, Arvard Holts, Mr. and Mrs. Smith McIntire, Frank McIntire, and Mrs. Perley Harom of Perham: Mrs. Ansel Thompson, Sue Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. William Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Lavway, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Thompkins, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Prince, Mr. and Mrs. Milford Blackstone,; Mr. and Mrs. Woodbury Berce, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley McCall, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Peary, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Russell. Dr. Lewis MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Turner, Jeannie Turner, Jon and James Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Turner and Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Craig and Truman, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Porter, Kathy and Rickey, Mr. and Mrs. Camille Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cater and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Thompson and Ann, Waldron Babbidge, Jack Stoddard, Alane and Stephen Burkett, and Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Umphrey of Washburn.