Washburn Couple Feted On 50th Anniversary

[January 5, 1964]

WASHBURN - Mr. and Mrs. Russell White of Wade were feted at an open house at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Young, North Main Street, Washburn, Sunday afternoon and evening on their 50th wedding anniversary.

Hostesses were Mrs. George Young and Mrs. Delma Lee of Houlton, daughters of the couple.

The refreshment table was centered with a floral arrangement of yellow mums flanked by tapers.

Mrs. Vesta Stairs was in charge of the gift table. The couple were presented a money tree and gifts from friends and relatives. The guest book was circulated by Miss Barbara White of Caribou, granddaughter of the couple.

Mrs. Athol Estey of Presque Isle and Mrs. Henry Akeley Jr. of Mapleton poured tea and coffee. The wedding cake was cut by Mrs. Carroll Akeley of Presque Isle and served by Mrs. Phillip Estey of Presque Isle.

The couple received a phone call from their grandson and wife in Bridgeport, Conn.

Mr. and Mrs. White were married January 4, 1914, at the Methodist Church in Presque Isle. They have lived in Wade since their marriage, where White was a potato farmer until his retirement five years ago.

White has been an active citizen in his younger years serving the town as Selectman, Health Officer, a member the School Board, Road Commissioner and Constable.

The couple are members of the Lidstone Memorial Methodist Church in Washburn. They have two daughters, Mrs. George Young of Washburn, and Mrs. Delma Lee of Houlton; two sons, Philip of Wade and Loren of Caribou; six grand-children and two great grand-children.

Guests Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Akeley, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Skillins, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Akeley, Mr. and Mrs. Athol Estey, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Akeley, Mr. and Mrs, Philip Estey, Carleton Akeley, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Akeley, and Mrs. Richard Berrey and Scott, all of Presque Isle; Mr. and Mrs. Loren White Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Grover White, Mrs. Mary White, Loren White Sr., Miss Barbara White, and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Belmain, all of Caribou; Mr. and Mrs. Herold Condon, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Akeley Jr., of Mapleton; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Silver, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Stairs, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McClain, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Tompkins, Mrs. Sterling Fox, Basil Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmont Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Umphrey.

Sandy Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maynard, Mr. and Mrs. Verle Plissey, Lance, Leslie. Lorinda and Loretta, Mrs. Olive McBurnie, Claude Hains and Philip White, all of Washburn, and Mrs. Delma Lee of Houlton.