SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED - Miss Clarice Easler, left, chairman of the Scholarship Committee for the Washburn High Alumni Association, presented two $100 scholarships to Terry McKay and Roger Crouse, members of the 1964 graduating class at the Alumni Banquet Tuesday evening. (Sperry Photo)
WASHBURN -- Two $100 scholarships were awarded by the Washburn Alumni Association to Terry McKay and Roger Crouse to the senior class of Washburn High School by Miss Clarice Easler, chairman of the scholarship committee, at the annual meeting held Tuesday evening at the Washburn cafeteria. The meeting was preceded by a pot luck supper.
Miss McKay plans to attend Aroostook State Teachers College in Presque Isle in the fall and Roger Crouse plans to attend Wentworth Institute in Boston. Alternates for the scholarships are Kenneth Knox and David Lavway.
Everett Cunningham, an instructor at Washburn High School and an honorary member of the Alumni group, presented the Alumni award to the outstanding senior to Cheryl Cockey, valedictorian of the graduating class.
President Dwight Sewell R gave the welcome to the Senior Class and the response was given by Arvard Holts, president of the class. Other alumni responding were Kenneth Duncan of Washburn and R. J. Johnstone of Oakfield, class of 1914; the Rev. Read Blackstone of Perham, class of 1919: Everet Libby of Bath, class of 1924; Alden Bull of Presque Isle, class of 1929; Basil Fox of Wade, class of 1934; Merrill Bull of Presque Isle, class of 1939; Robert Brown of Washburn, class of 1944: Mrs. Pauline Helstrom. class of 1949: Nate Churchill of Presque Isle, class of 1954; and Mrs. Joy Roehrig of Caribou, class of 1959.
The class ode was sung by the senior class with Waldron Babbidge conducting and Miss Carolyn Flewelling at the piano. Waldron Babbidge also sang a solo accompanied by Cheryl Cockey at the piano.
Other awards were made to Chief Warrant Officer David Jardine of Germany, class of 1952 for traveling the most miles, to R, H. Johnstone of Oakfield and Kenneth Duncan of Washburn class of 1914; for the oldest alumni presented, and to the members of the class of 1954 for having the most members present. Accepting the award was Richard Farley of Washburn.
Awards were also presented to Tom Plissey, class of 1928, for having the most children to the Rev. Read Blackstone, class of 1919, for having the most grandchildren, to Mrs. Pauline Helstrom, class of 1919, for having the youngest child; and to R. J. Johnstone of Oakfield, class of 1914; for having the least hair. Johnstone was presented a Beatle wig.
Edrick Flewelling, chairman of the nominating committee, presented the new officers for the year. Officers elected were David Flewelling of Presque Isle, president; Floyd Duncan of Caribou, vice president; Mrs. Helen Umphrey of Washburn, secretary and treasurer.
Elected to the executive committee were Dwight Sewell of Presque Isle, Rodney Drake and Mrs. JoAnn Plissey of Washburn. Elected to the awards and scholarship committee were Miss Clarice Easler, Mrs. Margaret Chapman, Mrs. Opal Everett, Linwood Peary and Mrs. Joyce Flewelling. Approximately 200 persons attended the banquet. Seated at the head table were Alumni president Dwight Sewell and Mrs. Sewell of Presque Isle, Mr. and Mrs. Edrick Flewelling, Principal and Mrs. Carleton Barnes, Everet Cunningham, and senior class advisor Paul Lodge and Mrs. Lodge. The school board members present and introduced were Mrs. Dorothy Jardine and Clair Lavway. A moment of prayer was held for Mrs. Eula Cunningham, an honorary member of the alumni, who passed away a; short time ago.
Elected to the nominating committee to present a new slate of officers next year were Miss Lois Learnard, Nate Churchill and Mrs. Carlene Drake.
The alumni parade scheduled for Wednesday afternoon and the ball game, High School vs. Alumni, was cancelled due to inclement weather.