MARK ANNIVERSARY - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boulier of Washburn observed their 50th wedding anniversary Tuesday evening at a party given in their honor at the First Baptist Church in Washburn. (Sperry Photo)

WASHBURN -- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boulier of Washburn were feted at a 50th wedding anniversary party Tuesday evening in the dining room of the First Baptist Church. The event was sponsored by the Ethel Lancaster Mission Circle and the Philathea Club.

The refreshment table was deorated with a floral centerpiece given by Mrs. Boulier's daughter, Mrs. Walter Hutchinson of Houlton and granddaughter, Mrs. Harry Wilder of Presque Isle. Pouring were her sistels, Mrs. Fancis Corey of Presque Isle and Mrs. Vaughn McCrum of Mars Hill. The anniversary cake was made and cut by Mrs. Doris Philbrook of Washburn. Mrs. Harry Wilder, Mrs. Boulier's grandmother, circulated the guest book and Mrs. Orman Pooler presided at the gift table. Assisting in serving were members of the Mission Circle and the Philathea Club.

Mr. and Mrs. Boulier were given a money tree and a money fan, among other gifts. A floral arangement was given to the Bouliers by Mrs. Boulier's granddaughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Truitt of Richardson, Tex. Phone calls were received from Portland and South Berwick and more than 200 cards received.

During the evening a program was presented by the Rev. and Mrs. Howard Krueger, Mrs. Edna Cheney and Linwood Peary.

Mrs. Boulier wore a blue dress complemented by a corsage of tea roses, a gift from her daughter, Mrs. Walter Hulchinson of Houlton and granddaughter. Mrs. Harry Wilder of Presque Isle.

Mr. and Mrs. Boulier were married February 12, 1913 at the pasonage of the Rev. G. M. Park of Presque Isle. They lived 28 years in Westfield and sent the last 32 years in Washburn. Attending the party were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hutchinson of Houlton, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Capen, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Coffey, Mrs. Roland Wheeler, and Mrs. Anna Leith of Presque Isle; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Giggey, Mrs. Annetta Allen and Mrs. Dora Taylor of Westfield; Mrs. Belle Allen and Clair Allen of Bridgervater: Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan McCrum and Priscilla, Mr. and Mrs. Bertrum McCrum, Elthelyn, Galen and Graydon, and Michael Phillip of Mars Hill; Mr. and Mrs. George Morris of Limestone; Mr. and Mrs, Linwood Peary, Mr. and Mrs. Orman Pooler, Sheryl and Joe, Miss Doris Umphrey, Mrs. John Farley, Miss Eva Crawford, Mrs. Edna Cheney, Mrs. Elizabeth Plissey, Mrs. Elva Johnson. Mr: and Mrs. Glen Haines, Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Cole, Miss Mae Hansen, Mrs. Vesta Stairs, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Duncan.

Mrs. Mary Umphrey, Mrs. Myrtle Smith, Mrs. Bernice Umphrey, Mrs. Pearl Leonard, Mrs. Doris Philhrook, Miss Ruby Bugbee, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Drake, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Cary, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Libby, Mrs, William Foster, the Rev. and Mrs. Howard Krueger, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Umphrey and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Russell all of Washburn. 1