its own. In the spring of 1965, it was decided to make definite plans for a new temple and in April of 1966 ground was broken and the building was started.
Even though the temple was not complete, on Oct. 13, 1966, the first masonic meeting was held and the temple has been occupied and used since.
On Friday, Washburn Masonic Lodge 193 is planning to dedicate the new temple. The dedication ceremony is scheduled for 4 p.m.
The building is now complete except for finishing of the walls in the dining area of the basement. The temple is a one-story building located on Berce Street; with a lodge room, preparation room and a reception room on the ground floor and dining room and kitchen facilities in the basement.
The lodge room is finished in pecan wood paneling with indirect lighting.
The contractor who constructed the building is A. E. Flewelling and Sons of Crouseville. It has all new furniture, practically all was donated by individuals.
If it had not been for the interest and contributions of many Masons, this temple would not have been possible. Credit is due to the work and leadership of past master's Marvin Tarbox and Thomas Johnson.
The oldest living past master of Washburn Lodge is Percy Porter, age 95, who was master in 1915-16 and now lives in Presque Isle. The present master is Roderick McKay, Coldvale Chapter of Eastern Star 110 also shares and uses the Washburn Masonic Hall for meetings. The Masons of Washburn are indebted to Coldvale Chapter, OES, for their assistance.
Washburn Lodge AF and AM 193 was granted a charter Dec. 14, 1887. Sewell D. Shaw, a past master of Caribou Lodge 170, was the first master. There were 18 charter members. The charter members were Samuel S. Harris, Edward M. Hines, Arthur Umphrey, Jarvis B. Harris, Rufus F. Stowe, Arthur J. Brown, Francis E. Hale, William Milligan, Sewell D. Shaw, Gorham C. Shaw, Robert W. Wildert, Fred L. Farnam, Benjamin C. Wilder. R. A. Shaw and William Umphrey.
The first lodge room was in the Farnam store building, later owned and operated by J. L. Woodman and presently owned and operated by Herbert G. Easler Hardware. These lodge rooms were occupied jointly by the Odd Fellows and the Masons until about 1900, when the Odd Fellows erected their present building. Since that time the Masons have rented the use of the lodge room from the Odd Fellows until July 1, 1966. The growth of Washburn Lodge has been healthy and steady, so that today it has a membership of 208.