Bridal Shower

Miss Leann Pike, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leander Pike of Washburn, was guest of honor at a bridal shower held at the home of Mrs. Berton Sands in Carihou. The hostess was assisted by Mesdames Ruby Sands Cecile Sands, Fern Sands and Elnora Pike.

Miss Pike, whose marriage to Terry Tarr will take place on June 27 [1969], received many gifts. Refreshments, including a decorated shower cake made by Mrs. Danny Corey of Washburn, were served.

Guests attending were Mrs. Brenda Swafford and daughter, Patti; Mrs. Pauline Thomas and Mrs. Priscilla Dobson, all of Caribou: Mesdames Violet Cameron, Elvie Dubar, Edna Pike, Mildred Norbeck, Leona Dickinson, Miss Rebecca Wilcox Dickinson, Miss Rebecca Wilcox, Miss Carla Mae Pike, Miss Carlene Bondeson and Mrs. Anita Tarr, all of Washburn; Mrs. Phyllis Deschene and Miss Bonnie Deschene of Presque Isle; Mrs. Mary Deschene and Mrs. Mae Bourgoin of Grand Falls, N. B.

Unable to attend but sending gifts were Mrs. Julie Philbrook, Mrs. Mary Hanson, Mrs. Vesta Thompson and Mrs. Leila Ells, all of Washburn; Mrs. Charlene Burgay of Caribou and Miss Betty Deschene of Grand Falls.

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