At the time of their marriage the following write-up was announced in the local papers:
"WALKER-CHURCHILL WEDDING -- A very pretty and quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Churchill of Washburn, June 6, when their daughter, Mary A., was united in marriage to Herman Walker of Ashland. On account of the poor health of Mrs. Churchill, the families of the bride and bridegroom and a few intimate friends were present. Rev. William C. Churchill, uncle of the bride, officiated, the single-ring service being used.
"The bride, daintily attired in a gown of white satin and gorgette, carrying a bouquet of white tea roses, looked as beautiful as any of the many flowers with which the rooms was decorated.
"Walker is an ex-service boy, going from Ashland to Camp Devens, May 28. 1917. After a few months training he was sent overseas in the 78th Division, remaining there until after the Armistice was signed.
"Delicious refreshments were served and after a social hour, the gathering dispensed, wishing the happy couple a long and prosperous life."
Mr. and Mrs. Walker have six children -- five sons, Arthur of Hartford, Conn., Mahlen of Westmont, Conn., Milford of Shelton, Conn., Thomas of Orange, Conn., and Richard of Washburn, and Mrs. Janet Cooley, the only daughter. They have 14 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild.
Relatives, outside of their immediate family, attending were Mr. and Mrs. Bryce McEwen, Lisbon Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McEwing, Bowdoinham; Mrs. Helen W. Bissomette, New Haven, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bugbee, Mrs. Merle Russell, Mrs. Basil Fox, Mrs. Bud Cole, Mrs. Grace Haynes, Chester Haynes, Mrs. Ernest Bugbee, Miss Florence Bugbee, Miss Ruby Bugbee.
Mrs. Herman Carman, Mr. and Mrs. William Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. James Plissey Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Clair Lavway, Mrs. Wilmot Churchill, Mavis Churchill, Mrs. Velva Doody, all of Washburn.
Several members of Mrs. Walker's' graduating class of 1922 made a special call following the Alumni Banquet which took place on the same date.
The couple were presented a beautiful golden wedding cake, which was included in the buffet refreshments served by Mr. and Mrs. Cooley.
They also received many gifts, cards and money gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Walker