
Rev. And Mrs. Black Celebrate 50 Years

The Rev. and Mrs. Bernard Black of Exeter celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary Oct. 24 [1973] at the Newport Full Gospel Church.

The Blacks were married by the Rev. B. G. Smith in Andover, N.B. Oct. 24, 1948.

The Rev. and Mrs. Black lived in Washburn after they married until 1951. The Rev. Black is pastor of the Newport Full Gospel Church.

They have four children and three foster children, Paul Black of Exeter, Mrs. Tarrance Stewart, of Dexter, Philip and Joan Black of Exeter, Dianne Paquin, Scott and Dwane Allen of Exeter.

They received a gift of money and other items. The anniversary cake was served by Dianne Paquin and Joan Black.

Women from the Newport Church and the Black's children arranged the party.

Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Valley of Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bragg and Mr. and Mrs. John Rockwell of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Sperrey of Washburn and Mr. and Mrs. James Condon of Pittsfield.