Sydney Nicole

Sydney Nicole was my second child and my husband's first biological child.  Throughout the entire pregnancy, we didn't know if we were going to have a boy or a girl.  Kendall, 3 years old at the time, was the only one that seemed to know that we were having a girl, the rest of us all thought that we were having a boy...even my doctor.  After I heard the words, "IT'S A GIRL!", I was so happy because I really wanted another little girl.  Then, the sadness took over since I knew before she was born that she would not breathe or cry or ever smile at me.  June 14, 1999 was the worst yet best day of my life.  The next few pages will tell you all about the short life
Sydney lived.

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This site designed
In Memory Of
Sydney Nicole Faulkner
~~ A very special Thank You to Christine, for helping to put this together for Sydney Nicole, In Memory of her beautiful angels Michael and Peanut Schaefer.~~
Please check back often as I am still adding to this site.
My thoughts and feelings on my subsequent pregnancy after Sydney.
Currently under construction!

Last updated on 11/4/2001
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