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Halter Horses That Ride!

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feather1b.gif (426 bytes)Welcome To Our Ranchfeather2b.gif (478 bytes)

dot.gif (974 bytes)Meadowmist Appaloosa Ranch is nestled in the foothills of the San Poil Valley, south of Republic, in Northeastern Washington state.

dot.gif (974 bytes)We have been raising and showing Appaloosas for over 40 years, and they are a big part of our lives. We condition and show our own home raised foals. Our few, select broodmares have proven themselves with halter or performance points before being retired to become top notch producers.

dot.gif (974 bytes)Our horses are tough competitors and consistently win in Regional, National, World and Open shows. In addition, they make excellent using horses for all purposes.


dot.gif (974 bytes)Our ranch raised horses are well mannered and easy to handle. They are always kept current on shots, worming and feet trimming.

dot.gif (974 bytes)The horses are raised in open pasture, and run in the hills of the ranch, which includes having to cross the nearby river. We feel strongly that this is excellent for developing strong bones and good minds.

dot.gif (974 bytes)Feel free to contact us anytime! If you are in the area, give us a call, or stop by for a visit.

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CR Dreams     Sales List     Mares     Foals     Our Favorite Links

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Dee Banks
495 Highway 21 So.
Republic, WA 99166
(509) 775-3859 Home
(509) 775-3176 Work

Email Us: meadowmist@bossig.com

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This page was last updated on Wednesday, March 26, 2003


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