Kenny & Colleen Gee
Established August 12, 1995 in St.George, Utah at the Dixie College Ballroom. Many Thank s to Colleen's family & friends who helped to move the wedding the day of the wedding due to vandalism in the Dixie College Sunroom where we were suppost to be married. By that afternoon you would of thought that this is where the wedding was at. The wedding color's were; peach, sea foam green, rose and blue-green turquios. The wedding had all kinds of decorations from mini cowboy hat boutonniere's to horse shoe shaped candie flowers on the cake (which was made by the brides mother Elsie Evans). The Bridesmaids were Carol Siler (Colleens sister) and Christa Cluff. Groomsman was Blaine Evans and Justin Evans was an honorary groomsman, due to being only 9 months old he slept through most of the wedding. Also in attendence was Kenny's family from Kansas which included his dad & mom Reverend Gene (who performed our wedding ceremony) & Helen Gee and his only sibling Beverly Gee (who did our music selction by Tracy Byrd - Keeper of the Stars). We could go on forever about our special day, but we won't. We would just like to say THANK YOU to all of our family & friends who was there to share with us the start of a new chapter in our life together.

Love to all, Kenny & Colleen Gee
Our Favorite Links:
Justin & Jacob's Page
Rocky Mountain Extreme
Our Family Information
Tribute to Dale Earnhardt
Kenny, Colleen, Justin & Jacob Gee